Bad drawing nodes


I am using the following code to create nodes but this case is drawing the nodes incorrectly.
Is it a know issue or you have a workaround:

GoBasicNode node1 = new GoBasicNode();
node1.PartID = 1;
node1.Text = “Nodo 1”;
node1.Shape.BrushColor = Color.Beige;

GoBasicNode node2 = new GoBasicNode();
node2.PartID = 2;
node2.Text = “Nodo 2”;
node2.Shape.BrushColor = Color.Beige;

GoBasicNode node3 = new GoBasicNode();
node3.PartID = 3;
node3.Text = “Nodo 3”;
node3.Shape.BrushColor = Color.Beige;

GoLink link1 = new GoLink();
link1.ToArrow = true;
link1.FromPort = node2.Port;
link1.ToPort = node3.Port;

GoLink link2 = new GoLink();
link2.ToArrow = true;
link2.FromPort = node3.Port;
link2.ToPort = node2.Port;

GoLayoutTree layout = new GoLayoutTree();
layout.SetsPortSpot = false;
layout.SetsChildPortSpot = false;
layout.Path = GoLayoutTreePath.Destination;
layout.Arrangement = GoLayoutTreeArrangement.Vertical;
layout.ArrangementOrigin = new PointF(20, 20);
layout.ArrangementSpacing = new SizeF(50, 50);
//direction r l t d
layout.Angle = 90;
layout.LayerSpacing = 50;
layout.NodeSpacing = 20;
layout.BreadthLimit = 0;
layout.RowSpacing = 25;
layout.Compaction = GoLayoutTreeCompaction.None;
layout.Alignment = GoLayoutTreeAlignment.CenterSubtrees;
layout.Sorting = GoLayoutTreeSorting.Forwards;
layout.Style = GoLayoutTreeStyle.Layered;

layout.Document = this.goView1.Document;
layout.Document.FinishTransaction(“Tree Layout”);

Here is an image of how it is being drawn:

When it should draw something like this:

It’s not a tree, you have a link both ways. Try LayeredDigraph.