Can i create user define Goshape

Hello to all.

I am a new Go programmer. As GoDiagram has many Goshape that I used it.But my promblem it that Can i create a own GoShape. How can create a user difine GoShape. I want to Create a own shape like that.
Is it possible to create shape like (BOAZ) . Can anyone provide a demo code for that shape.
It is very urgent.
Thanks in Advance.

[code] [Serializable]
public class Boaz : GoTextNode {
public Boaz() {
this.Label.TextColor = Color.White;
this.Label.Bold = true;
this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(22, 30);
this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(22, 5);
GoEllipse e = new GoEllipse();
e.Selectable = false;
e.Brush = Brushes.DeepSkyBlue;
e.Pen = null;
TextInfo ti = new TextInfo();
InsertBefore(null, ti);

public TextInfo Info {
  get { return this[0] as TextInfo; }

protected override GoObject CreateBackground() {
  GoCylinder c = new GoCylinder();
  c.Selectable = false;
  c.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
  c.MinorRadius = 13;
  c.Brush = Brushes.CadetBlue;
  c.Pen = Pens.LightBlue;
  return c;

public override void LayoutChildren(GoObject childchanged) {
  GoCylinder c = this.Background as GoCylinder;
  GoEllipse e = this[this.Count-1] as GoEllipse;
  if (e != null) {
    RectangleF b = this.Background.Bounds;
    float radius = (c != null ? c.MinorRadius : 13);
    e.Bounds = new RectangleF(b.X, b.Y, b.Width, radius*2);
  TextInfo info = this.Info;
  if (info != null) {
    info.SetSpotLocation(BottomRight, this.Background, Middle);


public class TextInfo : GoListGroup {
public TextInfo() {
this.Selectable = false;
this.PickableBackground = true;
this.Brush = Brushes.White;
this.Shadowed = true;
this.Corner = new SizeF(20, 20);
this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 10);
this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(50, 10);

public void AddLine() { AddLine("", null); }
public void AddLine(String first) { AddLine(first, null); }
public void AddLine(String first, String rest) {
  GoListGroup lg = new GoListGroup();
  lg.Selectable = false;
  lg.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
  lg.Spacing = 3;
  if (first != null) {
    GoText a = new GoText();
    a.Selectable = false;
    a.Bold = true;
    a.FontSize = 8;
    a.Text = first;
  if (rest != null) {
    GoText b = new GoText();
    b.Selectable = false;
    b.FontSize = 8;
    b.Text = rest;

public String Text {
  get {
    String s = "";
    foreach (GoListGroup lg in this) {
      if (s != "") s += "\n";
      foreach (GoText t in lg) {
        s += t.Text + " ";
    return s;

// this override fixes a bug accounting for shadow; not needed in v3.0 or later
public override RectangleF ExpandPaintBounds(RectangleF rect, GoView view) {
  rect = base.ExpandPaintBounds(rect, view);
  if (this.Shadowed) {
    SizeF offset = GetShadowOffset(view);
    if (offset.Width < 0) {
      rect.X += offset.Width;
      rect.Width -= offset.Width;
    } else {
      rect.Width += offset.Width;
    if (offset.Height < 0) {
      rect.Y += offset.Height;
      rect.Height -= offset.Height;
    } else {
      rect.Height += offset.Height;
  return rect;


Example use:

Boaz bz = new Boaz(); bz.Text = "BOAZ"; TextInfo info = bz.Info; info.AddLine("BOAZ"); info.AddLine(); info.AddLine("S0/0", ""); info.AddLine("Fe0/0", ""); info.AddLine("DTE"); info.AddLine(); bz.Center = new PointF(200, 100); doc.Add(bz);

Thanks a lot walter