Can set color only for custom borders of shape?

I have created a shape using the svg path and PolygonDrawing tool.

	GO(go.Node, 'Spot',
			resizable: false, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE",
			rotatable: false, rotateObjectName: "SHAPE",
			reshapable: true,
			selectionAdorned: false,
			name: 'NODE'
			itemTemplateMap: createItemTemplates('editor'),
			itemCategoryProperty: 'type'
			new go.Binding('itemArray', 'labels'),
			new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
					name: 'SHAPE',
					fill: 'white',
					strokeWidth: 10,
					stroke: '#dadada'
			new go.Binding('desiredSize', 'size', go.Size.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Size.stringify),
			new go.Binding('angle').makeTwoWay(),
			new go.Binding('geometryString', 'F M0 0 L150 0 L150 150 L0 150Z').makeTwoWay(),
			new go.Binding('fill'),
			new go.Binding('stroke'),
			new go.Binding('strokeWidth'),
			new go.Binding('type')

I want something like this.

What is the problem?

Some minor points:

  • Part.resizable and Part.rotatable default to false, so you don’t need to set them if you don’t want users to resize or rotate your nodes
  • If they are not resizable, you don’t need to set Part.resizeObjectName nor do you need to add a Binding on Shape.desiredSize
  • If they are not rotatable, you don’t need to set Part.rotateObjectName nor do you need to add a Binding on Shape.angle
  • Providing a binding on “type” should be causing a warning, because there is no Shape.type property. You are using go-debug.js now and checking the console for warnings and errors, aren’t you? If you are not, you really should until everything is completely done.
  • There’s probably no need to set name: "NODE" on the Node; but that depends on what other code you might be using
  • The Binding on Shape.geometryString probably should not be TwoWay – do you have code that is explicitly setting that property?

I have no idea of what your item templates are nor what data you are expecting to have in the model for the node that you are illustrating.

This is my template.

function createItemTemplates(type) {
				var itemtemplates = new
					go.Map('string', go.Panel);

					GO(go.Panel, 'Position',
						new go.Binding('alignment', '', locateLabel),
							background: '#fff',
							desiredSize: new go.Size(55, 35)
					GO(go.Panel, 'Position',
						new go.Binding('alignment', '', locatePoint),
							background: '#fff',
							desiredSize: new go.Size(35, 35)
					GO(go.Panel, 'Position',
						new go.Binding('alignment', '', locatePoint),
						GO(go.Shape, 'Circle',
								name: 'CIRCLE',
								fill: '#fb7e00',
								strokeWidth: null,
								stroke: null,
								desiredSize: new go.Size(10, 10),
								//margin: new go.Margin(13)
					GO(go.Panel, 'Position',
						{ name: "PANEL" },
						new go.Binding('alignment', '', locateLabel),
						GO('CheckBox', 'wall',
								'Button.width': 20,
								'Button.height': 21,
								'Button.cursor': 'pointer',
								//'ButtonIcon.visible': true,
								'ButtonIcon.stroke': '#fff',
								'ButtonIcon.strokeWidth': 3,
								'ButtonBorder.fill': '#dadada',
								'ButtonBorder.stroke': null,
								'_buttonFillOver': '#dadada',
								'_buttonStrokeOver': null,
								margin: new go.Margin(7.5, 0, 7.5, 8.5),
								'_doClick': function(e, obj) {
									if( {
										obj.findObject('ButtonIcon').fill = '#fb7e00';
										obj._buttonFillOver = "#fb7e00";
									} else {
										obj._buttonFillNormal = "#dadada";
										obj._buttonFillOver = "#dadada";
						GO(go.Shape, 'Rectangle',
								name: 'RECT',
								fill: '#444',
								desiredSize: new go.Size(20, 20),
								stroke: null,
								margin: new go.Margin(7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 27.5)
								name: 'TEXT',
								stroke: '#fff',
								textAlign: 'center',
								verticalAlignment: go.Spot.Center,
								desiredSize: new go.Size(20, 20),
								font: '11px bold',
								margin: new go.Margin(8, 8, 8, 28)
							new go.Binding('text', (type === 'floor' ? 'value' : 'text'))

				return itemtemplates;

And data:

				category: 'PolygonDrawing',
				size: '150 150',
				geo: 'F M0 0 L0 150 150 150 150 0Z',
				labels: [
					{ type: 'textPanel' },
					{ type: 'textPanel' },
					{ type: 'textPanel' },
					{ type: 'textPanel' },
					{ type: 'pointPanel' },
					{ type: 'pointPanel' },
					{ type: 'pointPanel' },
					{ type: 'pointPanel' },
					{ type: 'point' },
					{ type: 'point' },
					{ type: 'point' },
					{ type: 'point' },
					{ type: 'text', text: 'D' },
					{ type: 'text', text: 'C' },
					{ type: 'text', text: 'B' },
					{ type: 'text', text: 'A' }
				loc: '100 100'

OK, but what is the problem?

Although before you answer, you might want to clean up your node template as I suggested, just in case that matters.

When I check the checkbox, I want to change the color of (for example)right border to ‘orange’ and on uncheck change the color to ‘grey’.

About Geometry.

new go.Binding(‘geometryString’, ‘geo’).makeTwoWay(),
this is geo.
{ // node data

geo: ‘F M0 0 L0 150 150 150 150 0Z’,


Isn’t that covered by this topic? How can set checkbox check mark always visible?

Yes, but for easy find in topics ‘borders’ and ‘checkbox’, I have created two topics.

So, can you help me solve the problem and change color of the wanted border?