Can we have Spot.NotBottom

We have added toSpot and fromSpot in our data template, to let input links from top,right or left and output links from right,left or bottom as follows.

toSpot: go.Spot.NotBottomSide,
fromSpot: go.Spot.NotTopSide,

It is working fine but for each input/output link it tries to different input points, for example if there are 5 input links it will have 5 different points where it will attach.

Can we have any configuration where instead NotBottomSide we can have NotBottom or else can we restrict these input point count to ‘x’ numbers
Please see below images for current and expected outputs.

Current Implementation :

Expected Output something like this (Here the input point for left side is one):

You can set Node | GoJS API to go.Node.SpreadingNone.