I have inheritted a control from GoView and am using it in conjunction with an own-rolled toolbox.
The toolbox contains node and link style items and I want to override CanLinkObjects in the view so that links may or may not be created according to the current context.
I have the following requirements.
1) Linking should be enabled if the selection in my toolbox is a link type.
2) Having created a link it should be possible to re-assign the end nodes by dragging the link's selection handles.
I have overriden CanLinkObjects() to achieve the first, thusly:
public override CanLinkObjects()
// TemplateIsEdge() returns a bool indicating whether a
// toolbox item represents a "Link"
return TemplateIsEdge(SelectedTemplate);
This works fine for requirement (1). However it breaks the ability to relink because it returns false when the user is trying to relink, but the selected toolbox item is not a link.
What I need next is to be able to test whether the user is trying to re-link by dragging one of the link end's selection handles. I'm sure it must be fairly straight forward, but somehow I seem unable to work out how to do it.
Can anyone help?