Changing License in GoXam Silverlight Application

I have
GoXAM Evaluation being used by an offshore team. However when the
version comes back to me, I would like to replace the DLLs with the
actual registered versions and/or my actual license so that the watermark
does not appear.

Should I need to replace newer DLLs or do a build of
the product again? How would go about this?

Does GoXam give separate DLLs or just a LicenseKey?

You need to purchase a development license and rebuild the application.

The instructions are in the GoXamIntro document. The GoXam License Manager also provides instructions.

Can you help with the URL of GoXamIntro document please?

It’s in the docs subdirectory of the installation.

Or you can find it at

Despite having a license I am still getting the ‘Evaluation’ tag appended in my application. The steps I have followed are:

1) Request the key

2) Enter and Store in Registry

3) Deploy the license

4) Copy the generated code into the application

I have also ensured the application name matches. (and I believe it is also Case-SENSITIVE right?)

Please let me know what is missing up?

Did you put the LicenseKey assignment statement in the application constructor? It needs to execute in the app DLL.

The application name comparison uses StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase.