Children alignment

Hi, I have follow diagram:

How I can make all children to be in the center, like this:

This my xaml:

<go:Diagram x:Name=“myDiagram” Margin=“10” AllowCopy=“True” AllowDelete=“True” UnloadingClearsPartManager=“False” Grid.Row=“0” Background=“White” DragSelectingTool="{x:Null}"
SelectedNode ="{Binding SelectedNode,Mode=TwoWay}"
AllowMove=“True” AllowUndo=“False”

            NodeTemplateDictionary="{DynamicResource  NodeTemplates}"
            LinkTemplate="{DynamicResource  linkTemplate1}">
                <go:PrintManager Scale="NaN" />
                    <MenuItem Header="Collapse all nodes"   HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="24"     Command="{Binding Path=ExpandDiagramCommand,Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="false" >
                    <MenuItem Header="Expand all nodes"   HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="24"     Command="{Binding Path=ExpandDiagramCommand,Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="true" >


                <go:TreeLayout Conditions="Standard VisibleChanged" Angle="90" AlternateCompaction="Block"     HorizontalAlignment="Center" Alignment="CenterSubtrees">

                <go:LayoutManager Animated="True"     />
                <go:DraggingTool DropOntoEnabled="True" />


Don’t set:

HorizontalAlignment="Center" Alignment="CenterSubtrees"

The former property does not apply to TreeLayout, and the latter will cause parent nodes to be centered about their entire subtrees rather than just their immediate children. The default value for TreeLayout.Alignment is CenterChildren.

It had no effect:

go:TreeLayout Conditions=“Standard VisibleChanged” Angle=“90” AlternateCompaction=“Block”

If you are using the default TreeLayout.Alignment, I cannot explain the behavior that you are seeing unless the top node has some transparent elements to the left side of the green rectangle.

For example, running the Tree Layout demo in GoWpfDemo: