Hi, not so long ago we updated gojs from 2.2.7 to 3.0.16 which went very smoothly :). But I just realized there were some slight issues that are probably implicitly because of our implementation. But basically, when we call
What was the problem with control-dragging (i.e. copying)?
I think there was a real bug in the library involving a rarely-null reference in DraggingTool that we fixed in 3.0.18. Wait – maybe that was in 3.0.16. Still, you might want to get the latest (3.0.18 at this moment) while you are doing development.
But for some reason, ‘id’ is undefined… But ONLY from this makeUniqueKeyFunction call, it’s weird. So when it was called for both copying and pasting and or control dragging copying. It broke.
As I said, we did some magic by getting the description name from the id by splitting it up so in the long term the solution/fix I made is more than fine. But it’s still interesting.
The GoJS library never sets the “id” property on anything unless, for model data, you have set the Model.nodeKeyProperty or GraphLinksModel.linkKeyProperty to “id”. Or you have set Model.makeUniqueKeyFunction or GraphLinksModel.makeUniqueLinkKeyFunction to a function that sets “id”.
So I’m wondering if there is some other code that might be setting the “id” property.