Compatibility of GoJS with JavaScript framework

Hi, i’m building an web app for my company which has a part is an drawing and designing diagram tool. i find GoJs is one good library which provide plentiful kinds of diagram and elements as well as good documents and APIs and great support.

Therefore, i decide to choose GoJs to implement the diagram design function in the app. in the process of the company, we have to use a JavaScript framework which i surveyed and narrowed into three framework: AngularJS/EmberJS/KnockoutJS

And the question is : is GoJS built with a special design that work best with a specific JavaScript framework or the compatibility, the “embed canvas” thing into the framwork, the databinding. Any suggestion that which of the three JavaScript framework i listed above is work best with GoJS.

I really appreciate any advices and opinions

GoJS was not designed to operate in a particular framework, so there is no natural choice there.

Perhaps we should implement samples in each of those frameworks to decide how well they work. That will take some time.

if so, that’s what i’m doing :)
