is it possible to connect a GoLabeledLink to a GoLabeledLink by means of say a port?
Sure, the “labels” of a GoLabeledLink don’t have to be GoText objects–they can be instances of GoPort or even whole nodes!
Setting GoLabeledLink.MidLabel to a GoPort whose GoPort.Style is GoPortStyle.None is fairly common. That’s with GoLabeledLink.MidLabelCentered true.
Cool, hey thanx man you have been a great source of info… then another question is how do I check what object I am linking from while linking or how do you do it…? :)
That depends on why you need to check.
If you want to prevent users from drawing certain kinds of links, consider several properties:
- the GoDocument.ValidCycle property
- the GoPort properties: IsValidFrom, IsValidTo, IsValidSelfNode, and IsValidDuplicateLinks
Those are actually all predefined common special cases of the “valid link” mechanism. You can override GoPort.IsValidLink or GoToolLinking.IsValidLink to do whatever calculations you like completely dynamically.
I suggest you read the User Guide, FAQ, and the API reference documentation for more details.