Create nodes with images

I have a class, that insert objects, just with label, as FlowCharter example, and I would like to have a class with the same resources, objects, but these objects with a top image. How can I do it?

See my basic class:

//A node representing a step  in a flowchart
public class GraphNode : GoTextNode
    private const int ChangedKind = GoObject.LastChangedHint + 7;
    private GraphNodeKind myKind = GraphNodeKind.Step;

    public GraphNode()

    //Constructor with parameter
    public GraphNode(GraphNodeKind k)
        this.Kind = k;

    private void InitCommon()
        //Assume GraphNodeKind.Step
        this.Label.Wrapping = true;
        this.Label.Editable = true;
        this.Label.Alignment = Middle;
        this.Text = "Step";
        this.Editable = true;
        this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
        this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
        this.Shadowed = true;
        this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Rectangle);
        Color first = Color.FromArgb(159, 232, 0);
        Color second = Color.White;
        this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);

    //Adjust port positions for certain background shapes
    public override void LayoutChildren(GoObject childchanged)
        GoDrawing draw = this.Background as GoDrawing;
        if (draw != null)
            PointF tempPoint;
            if (draw.Figure == GoFigure.ManualOperation || draw.Figure == GoFigure.Input || draw.Figure == GoFigure.Output)
                if (this.RightPort != null)
                    draw.GetNearestIntersectionPoint(new PointF(this.RightPort.Center.X + .01f, this.RightPort.Center.Y), this.RightPort.Center, out tempPoint);
                    this.RightPort.Right = tempPoint.X;
                if (this.LeftPort != null)
                    draw.GetNearestIntersectionPoint(new PointF(this.LeftPort.Center.X + .01f, this.LeftPort.Center.Y), this.LeftPort.Center, out tempPoint);
                    this.LeftPort.Left = tempPoint.X;

    //When the mouse passes over a node, display all of its ports.
    //All ports on all nodes are hidden when the mouse hovers over the background.
    public override bool OnMouseOver(GoInputEventArgs evt, GoView view)
        ProcessView v = view as ProcessView;
        if (v != null)
            foreach (GoPort p in this.Ports)
                p.Style = GoPortStyle.Ellipse;

        return false;

    public GraphNodeKind Kind
        get { return myKind; }
            GraphNodeKind old = myKind;
            if (old != value)
                myKind = value;
                Changed(ChangedKind, (int)old, null, NullRect, (int)value, null, NullRect);
                OnKindChanged(old, value);

    protected virtual void OnKindChanged(GraphNodeKind oldkind, GraphNodeKind newkind)
        //Update the parts, based on the Kind of node this now is
        Color first = Color.FromArgb(159, 232, 0);
        Color second = Color.White;
        switch (newkind)
            case GraphNodeKind.Start:
                    this.Text = "Start";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.RoundedRectangle);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    UpdatePorts("", "o", "o", "o");
            case GraphNodeKind.End:
                    this.Text = "End";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.RoundedRectangle);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    UpdatePorts("i", "i", "", "i");
            case GraphNodeKind.Step:
                    this.Text = "Step";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Rectangle);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10, 5);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Input:
                    this.Text = "Input";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Input);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(20, 4);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(20, 4);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Output:
                    this.Text = "Output";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Output);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(20, 4);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(20, 4);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Decision:
                    this.Text = "?";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Decision);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(35, 20);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(35, 20);
                    UpdatePorts("i", "io", "o", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Read:
                    this.Text = "Read";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Ellipse);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.Shape.BrushPoint = new PointF(.3f, .3f);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Write:
                    this.Text = "Write";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Ellipse);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.Shape.BrushPoint = new PointF(.3f, .3f);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.ManualOperation:
                    this.Text = "Manual \nOperation";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.ManualOperation);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(20, 10);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            case GraphNodeKind.Database:
                    this.Text = "Database";
                    this.Background = new GoDrawing(GoFigure.Database);
                    this.Shape.FillShapeHighlight(first, second);
                    this.Shape.BrushPoint = new PointF(.15f, .55f);
                    this.Shape.BrushFocusScales = new SizeF(.1f, .1f);
                    this.TopLeftMargin = new SizeF(10, 30);
                    this.BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10, 15);
                    UpdatePorts("io", "io", "io", "io");
            default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("newkind", (int)newkind, typeof(GraphNodeKind));

    protected override GoPort CreatePort(int spot)
        GoPort p = base.CreatePort(spot);
        p.Brush = null;
        return p;

    private void UpdatePorts(String t, String r, String b, String l)
        //TopPort, RightPort, BottomPort, LeftPort
        if (t == "")
            this.TopPort = null;
            if (this.TopPort == null) this.TopPort = CreatePort(MiddleTop);
            if (this.TopPort != null)
                this.TopPort.IsValidFrom = t.IndexOf('o') > -1;
                this.TopPort.IsValidTo = t.IndexOf('i') > -1;
        if (r == "")
            this.RightPort = null;
            if (this.RightPort == null) this.RightPort = CreatePort(MiddleRight);
            if (this.RightPort != null)
                this.RightPort.IsValidFrom = r.IndexOf('o') > -1;
                this.RightPort.IsValidTo = r.IndexOf('i') > -1;
        if (b == "")
            this.BottomPort = null;
            if (this.BottomPort == null) this.BottomPort = CreatePort(MiddleBottom);
            if (this.BottomPort != null)
                this.BottomPort.IsValidFrom = b.IndexOf('o') > -1;
                this.BottomPort.IsValidTo = b.IndexOf('i') > -1;
        if (l == "")
            this.LeftPort = null;
            if (this.LeftPort == null) this.LeftPort = CreatePort(MiddleLeft);
            if (this.LeftPort != null)
                this.LeftPort.IsValidFrom = l.IndexOf('o') > -1;
                this.LeftPort.IsValidTo = l.IndexOf('i') > -1;

    //if the Label is not visible or if the view has a small DocScale,it's handy to be able to see the name of the lane
    public override String GetToolTip(GoView view)
        return this.Text;

I would like a class to create “STEP”, “START” object with an image for example:

Look at DecoratedTextNode in NodeLinkDemo. It gives you a model for how to add an image to an existing node class.