Creating an automatically sizing node

Thanks again Walter. That’s great.
I have just send a mail to gosales at nwoods dot com with a sample of Xaml that i use. I am wondering if you could take a quick look at it and let me know your result. If you could let me know your mail i will mail myXaml to you also so you can take a quick look at it.

It will eventually be forwarded to me, so don’t bother sending it again.

In the future you can send e-mail to GoXam at our domain.

I would do something like:

<DataTemplate x:Key="NodeTemplate3"> <go:NodePanel Sizing="Auto"> <Rectangle RadiusX="10" RadiusY="10" Fill="#FF99CCFF" Stroke="#FF808080" StrokeThickness="1" go:NodePanel.Spot1="0.1 0.1" go:NodePanel.Spot2="0.9 0.9" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Data.Text, Mode=TwoWay}" FontFamily="Arial" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="19" Foreground="#FF373737" TextAlignment="Center" go:Part.TextEditable="True" /> </go:NodePanel> </DataTemplate>
The use of a Rectangle means that it will automatically produce rounded corners, with the given Fill and Stroke.
The two Spots tell the NodePanel to fit the Rectangle around the TextBlock with some space to spare.
The TextBlock.Text is bound to your data (I’m assuming a “Text” property here).
I have also made the text in-place editable by setting Part.TextEditable=true.