Creating diagram inside an iframe

Is there any way to create gojs diagram by passing the whole element instead of just id inside this code


I have an iframe (id=“salesforce_iframe”) which further contains an div (id=“div_gojs_chart_depedency_map”). Now i want to create gojs diagram on "divmydiagram "

To access a div inside iframe I have to use this code

    var iframe = document.getElementById("salesforce_iframe");
    var element_diagram = $(iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll("#div_gojs_chart_depedency_map"))

GOJS documentation tell that you need to pass id to create a diagram I just cannot pass id because it is inside an iframe and throws me an error = “Error handling response: Error: Invalid DIV id; could not get the element with id: div_gojs_chart_depedency_map”

How do I pass this element variable element_diagram instead of div “div_gojs_chart_depedency_map” or is there any other way

Pass the reference to the HTMLDivElement directly, not its id.
You can pass it either as the second argument to go.GraphObject.make, or as the value when setting the Diagram.div property.

Thanks, Walter

Can you please give me an example? If this is my code , what and where i have to change

 var iframe = document.getElementById("salesforce_iframe");
    var element_diagram = $(iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll("#div_gojs_chart_depedency_map"))

  var  diagram = $(go.Diagram, "div_gojs_chart_depedency_map",  // id of DIV
            // Automatically lay out the diagram as a tree;
            // separate trees are arranged vertically above each other.
            layout: $(go.TreeLayout, {
                nodeSpacing: 25,
                angle: 0,
                layerSpacing: 250,
                layerStyle: go.TreeLayout.LayerUniform
            initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.Left,
            initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.LayerUniform,
            isReadOnly: false,  // do not allow users to modify or select in this view
            allowSelect: true,
            allowZoom: true,
            scale: 0.60,
            hoverDelay: 200,
            allowDrop: true,
            "undoManager.isEnabled": true,
            "animationManager.duration": 800,
            "draggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,

I’m not sure about your code, but I would guess that instead of passing "divmydiagram", try passing element_diagram[0], or something like that.

Just make sure that the reference (i.e. pointer) is to the HTMLDivElement that you want to host the diagram.


I tried passing HTMLDivElement object while creating diagram but it gives me an error
Error handling response: Error: Trying to set undefined property “align” on object: Diagram ""

> var iframe = document.getElementById("salesforce_iframe");
>     var element_diagram = jQuery(iframe.contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll("#div_gojs_chart_depedency_map"));
> var _HTMLDivElement=element_diagram[0];
> **which is  <div id="div_gojs_chart_depedency_map" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: #fff;"></div>**
>  var  diagram = $(go.Diagram, _HTMLDivElement,
>         {
>             layout: $(go.TreeLayout, {
>                 nodeSpacing: 25,
>                 angle: 0,
>                 layerSpacing: 250,
>                 layerStyle: go.TreeLayout.LayerUniform
>             }),
>         });

What is the value of “$” throughout your quoted code?

I console $ value and it gives me

The error message is correct: the Diagram class does not define an align property.
But I do not see your code where you are setting that property.