Custom binding Dash and Dotted line

Hi There,

Is there a way to bind Dash to custom values on the inspector dropdown? I am trying to disply my chosen values and bind the to valid values for the dash property on the link. Please see below. Thanks in advance.

function makeInspector() {

    var inspector = new Inspector('myInspectorDiv', myDiagram,
            properties: {
                "dash": {
                    show: Inspector.showIfLink, type: 'select',
                    choices: ["Dotted Line", "Dash Line"]

    window.inspector = inspector;

var genericLinkTemplate =

            new go.Binding("strokeDashArray", "dash", function (d) { return d == "Dotted Line" ? { dash: [3.3] } : d == "Dash Line" ? { dash: [5.5] } : { dash: []}; }).ofObject(),


The value of Shape.strokeDashArray should be either null or (typically) an Array of two numbers. Not just one number as in your code.

Hi Walter,
Thanks for your reply,
I changed it to the code below and it still doesn’t work. What am I missing?

var genericLinkTemplate =


new go.Binding(“strokeDashArray”, “dash”, function (d) { return d == “Dotted Line” ? { dash: “[3,3]” } : d == “Dash Line” ? { dash: “[5,5]” } : { dash: null }; }).ofObject(),

If you are using go-debug.js, you should be getting a warning about there not being any “dash” property on the Link.

I think you want your Binding source to be the link data, not the GraphObject. So don’t call Binding.ofObject.

I am using go-1.7.29.js, I remove the Binding.ofObject and changed the code to:

var dotted = [3,3];
var dashed = [5,5];

new go.Binding(“strokeDashArray”, “dash”, function (d) { return d == “Dotted Line” ? { dash: dotted } : d == “Dash Line” ? { dash: dashed } : { dash: null }; }))

And still no luck

The result of the conversion function must be the expected value that the property expects, not an Object with some properties on it.

This seems to work:

    var dotted = [3, 3];
    var dashed = [5, 5];
    myDiagram.linkTemplate =
          new go.Binding("strokeDashArray", "dash",
            function(d) { return d === "Dotted Line" ? dotted :
                                 (d === "Dash Line" ? dashed : null); }))

Yep It does thank you so much bro