Custom Editor - manually trigger click for textBlock

I am using a custom editor
this.toolManager.textEditingTool.defaultTextEditor = this.customEditor();
on click of TextBlock if editable is set true a text box displays to enter data.

is it possible to trigger click event programmatically for a TextBlock so that it displays a textbox.

Call CommandHandler.editTextBlock on the TextBlock you want the user to edit: CommandHandler | GoJS API

is there an example?
In the page i have multiple text block i need to find by name and trigger the custom editor so that it displays as a text box to enter data

Its working on click. if i click the textblock it displays a text box.
I want to trigger it programmatically.

If you search the samples for calls to “editTextBlock” with an argument (which must be a TextBlock), you will find several examples. For example: Selection Adornment Buttons