Delay cut removing parts until paste

I need that when the user press CTRL+X (cut), the parts stay visible (probably with a dash colored border) until the user press CTRL+ V. ¿How I can avoid the parts be removed?
Thank you

My initial guess at how to accomplish that:

Override CommandHandler.cutSelection to call CommandHandler.copySelection instead, change the appearance of the selected parts, and remember that collection.

Also override CommandHandler.pasteSelection to see if the overridden cutSelection had been called before, call the super method (pasting normally), and then delete that collection (not the newly copied selection).

Hmm, you’ll have to think about what should happen if they move the cut collection or make other changes to it, or if you want to disallow such behaviors. I wonder if you also need to override copySelection and deleteSelection, to adjust their behaviors after a cut but before a paste.