Disable dragging

Is it possible to disable dragging when more than one object is selected?

Yes, override DraggingTool.canStart. In the Floorplan constructor:

this.draggingTool = ...
this.draggingTool.canStart = function() {
  return go.DraggingTool.prototype.canStart.call(this) &&
         this.diagram.selection.count === 1;

Hi walter ,
It did not worked.

Ah, I added the code at the wrong place. Look for the “Tool Overrides” section farther down the page:

    * Tool Overrides
    this.toolManager.draggingTool.canStart = function() {
      return go.DraggingTool.prototype.canStart.call(this) &&
             this.diagram.selection.count === 1;

Thanks Walter. :)