Draw diagram with GoTextNode to fit at print

I add on a GoView some GoTextNode that i want them to fit on each print page so what it is not cut into 2.

So in order to place them on the GoView i need to know the printing size for a page.
Where can i find that?
How can i calculate the space between the Red line and the Black line in the picture below? Because it is not the location where the object was placed on view.

It depends on the printer selected, and you can get that info from PrintDocument PageSettings.

The code below shifts nodes to avoid page breaks, so I think the details here answer your question.

public void ShiftObjectsToAvoidPageSplits(GoView view) {
  PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
  PageSettings ps = pd.DefaultPageSettings;
  int paperw = ps.PaperSize.Width;
  int paperh = ps.PaperSize.Height;
  int pagew = paperw-ps.Margins.Left-ps.Margins.Right;
  int pageh = paperh-ps.Margins.Top-ps.Margins.Bottom;
  float viewscale = view.PrintScale;
  SizeF pagesize = new SizeF(pagew/viewscale, pageh/viewscale);
  PointF origin = view.PrintDocumentTopLeft;
  SizeF extent = view.PrintDocumentSize;

  GoSelection sel = new GoSelection(null);
  for (float x = origin.X+pagesize.Width; x < origin.X+extent.Width; x += pagesize.Width) {
    float maxShift = 0;
    foreach (GoObject obj in view.Document) {
      if (obj is IGoLink) continue;  // skip links, but include nodes and other objects
      if (obj.Width >= pagesize.Width) continue;  // skip really wide objects
      if (obj.Left-1 <= x && x <= obj.Right+1) {  // find split objects
        maxShift = Math.Max(maxShift, x-obj.Left+1);  // distance to move out
    if (maxShift > 0) {
      foreach (GoObject obj in view.Document) {
        if (obj is IGoLink) continue;
        if (obj.Width >= pagesize.Width) continue;
        if (obj.Right > x) sel.Add(obj);  // collect objects that need moving
      view.MoveSelection(sel, new SizeF(maxShift+1, 0), false);
      extent = view.PrintDocumentSize;  // recalculate print size
  for (float y = origin.Y+pagesize.Height; y < origin.Y+extent.Height; y += pagesize.Height) {
    float maxShift = 0;
    foreach (GoObject obj in view.Document) {
      if (obj is IGoLink) continue;  // skip links, but include nodes and other objects
      if (obj.Height >= pagesize.Height) continue;  // skip really tall objects
      if (obj.Top-1 <= y && y <= obj.Bottom+1) {  // find split objects
        maxShift = Math.Max(maxShift, y-obj.Top+1);  // distance to move out
    if (maxShift > 0) {
      foreach (GoObject obj in view.Document) {
        if (obj is IGoLink) continue;
        if (obj.Height >= pagesize.Height) continue;
        if (obj.Bottom > y) sel.Add(obj);  // collect objects that need moving
      view.MoveSelection(sel, new SizeF(0, maxShift+1), false);
      extent = view.PrintDocumentSize;  // recalculate print size
  view.FinishTransaction("shifted objects to avoid page splits");

I have tried the code and it’s not working, still i have split objects.

And I think is because of the space between the Red line and the Black line in the picture from my first post.

I have manage to fix the problem on landscape, but on portrait for some reason that i haven’t figure it out the PrintDocumentTopLeft is changing when i add a specific new object to the view

If you’re not using a Sheet (and it doesn’t look like you are) then <span =“Apple-style-span” style="-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 1px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 1px; ">PrintDocumentTopLeft will be the topleft of ComputeDocumentBounds(). ComputeDocumentBounds “determines the actual extent of all of the objects in the document as seen by this view”.

So, if you are adding objects to the left (or above) of existing objects, <span =“Apple-style-span” style="-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 1px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 1px; ">PrintDocumentTopLeft should be changing to encompass those new coordinates.

Have you tried more than one printer? It may be the settings on the printer don’t match reality (which may explain why it works in landscape and not portrait).

Yes i don’t use a Sheet.

No i am not adding object to left or top
No i have not tried other printers because i'm only testing on preview, with coordonates given by me, and not by the printer.

If you just add a GoRectangle (or some other simple GoObject) do you see the same behavior? Or is it just this GoTextNode with wrapped text?

I tried with GoRectangle and it’s not changing the PrintDocumentTopLeft.

Can you send me your code? I’ll send you an email.