Dynamic Ports Routing Issues

Hi There

I tried to play with dynamic ports diagram with routing issues. The result I want is shown in the image attached below (INITO to START).

However, whatever routing method I select: avoidNodes or orthogonal will give me the result as in the following image.

I also tried to add points myself however this doesn’t change anything. Can you please give me some advice on how to achieve that?

Also after I moved node, the route changes auomatically. is that a way I can save my custom routing?

Thanks a lot.

Make sure those port elements have go:Node.FromSpot and ToSpot have appropriate values depending on the side/direction that it faces. The DynamicPorts sample does this.

Try setting Link.Route.Adjusting=“End”.

Thanks for the reply.

My FromSpot and ToSpot are both set to LeftRightSides. Tried adjusting to end but no luck. The issue is that when a port on the right hand side try to connect another port on the left hand side and the target is located to the left, the route will not create a path like I draw in the first image.

Is there any way the route will draw as points I specified? If so, how I can get start and end location for ports?

I tried little bit more, if I remove FromSpot and ToSport, and left and right spots give me the correct results. However, I made top and bottom spots as shown in orange color as left and right spots for the bottom part in the image. Is there a way I can change those two as left and right spots? Or can I create two sets of left and right spots? Thanks a lot.

If you set a port’s spot to be LeftRightSides, that means the link will connect on either side, whichever is closest. I believe you don’t want that.

Instead, ports on the right side should use Spot.MiddleRight for both spots. Those on the left should use Spot.MiddleLeft. This is what the Dynamic Ports sample does.

I figured out. I have to change top and bottom to FromSpot=“MiddleRight” and “MiddleLeft”. Thanks a lot.