Finding all connected nodes in genogram

I have been using the genogramLayout for a while now. I was trying to build a collection of nodes that are in the same family tree. So of a certain node, I want all the nodes connected to it (including all children, grandchildren, … parents, grandparents, …). I was trying to walk the tree using node.findNodesConnected(), but that does not jump over the label nodes which the children are connected to.

What would be the recommended solution to this?

Yes, the graph is not tree-structured, so you cannot use the various methods of Node to walk the graph.

Here’s some code that I haven’t tried in a long time for looking at ancestors:

    function showAncestors() {
      var node = myDiagram.selection.first();
      if (node === null) return;
      var coll = new go.Set();
      addAncestors(node, coll);
      coll.remove(node);  // don't include node itself

    function addAncestors(node, coll) {
      if (!node) return;
      var parentmarriagenode = null;
      node.findNodesInto().each(function(n) {
        if (n.isLinkLabel) parentmarriagenode = n;
      if (!parentmarriagenode) return;
      var marriagelink = parentmarriagenode.labeledLink;
      if (!marriagelink) return;
      addAncestors(marriagelink.fromNode, coll);
      addAncestors(marriagelink.toNode, coll);

    function showMostRecentCommonAncestors() {
      var node1 = null;
      var node2 = null;
      var it = myDiagram.selection.iterator;
      while ( {
        var n = it.value;
        if (n instanceof go.Node) {
          if (!node1) {
            node1 = n;
          } else if (!node2) {
            node2 = n;
      var node1ancestors = new go.Set();
      addAncestors(node1, node1ancestors);
      var node2ancestors = new go.Set();
      addAncestors(node2, node2ancestors);
      var recents = new go.Set();
      addRecentCommonAncestors(node1ancestors, node2ancestors, recents);

    function addRecentCommonAncestors(node1ancestors, node2ancestors, recents) {
      var it1 = node1ancestors.iterator;
      while ( {
        var n = it1.value;
        if (node2ancestors.contains(n)) {
      var it2 = node2ancestors.iterator;
      while ( {
        var n = it2.value;
        if (node1ancestors.contains(n)) {

    function findSpouse(n) {
      var it = n.findLinksConnected().iterator;
      while ( {
        var l = it.value;
        if (l.category === "Marriage") {
          return l.getOtherNode(n);
      return null;