GetItem of MultiTextNode

Hi Walter,
I’m using GoMultiTextNode with GoLabeledLink and I’d like to know how to get a multitextnode’s item in goview document.
I did it as below, but I’can’t get it.
foreach (GoObject obj in this.goView1.Document)
GoLabeledLink link = obj as GoLabeledLink;
if (link != null)
GoMultiTextNode src = link.FromNode as GoMultiTextNode;
GoMultiTextNode dst = link.ToNode as GoMultiTextNode;
SrcColumn = src.GetItem(?);
DstColumn = dst.GetItem(?);

GoText Gtxt = src.Label;
SrcColumn = Gtxt.Text;

If you care about the particular port, you need to look at that instead of at the node as a whole:
GoPort fromPort = link.FromPort as GoPort;
GoMultiTextNode fromNode = fromPort.Node as GoMultiTextNode;
int index = FindPortIndex(fromNode, fromPort);
. . .

public int FindPortIndex(GoMultiTextNode n, GoObject p) {
if (n == null) return -1;
if (p == null) return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < n.ItemCount; i++) {
if (n.GetLeftPort(i) == p) return i;
for (int i = 0; i < n.ItemCount; i++) {
if (n.GetRightPort(i) == p) return i;
return -1;

We’ll add a GoMultiTextNode.FindPortIndex method in the next release.