Getting a View's NEXT selection

I was wondering if it is possible to get the user’s next selection in code.

Thank you

(goview).Selection.Primary is the first GoObject in the Selection collection…

Just iterate the Selection to see the rest:

    foreach (GoObject temp in this.Selection) {
      GoObject t = temp.SelectionObject;

But what if the item isn’t selected already? I am talking about the user’s next selection click.

Does that make sense? Is there a built in way to get the next selection?

How can code predict the future behavior of the user? The user might never select anything.

Yeah, makes sense. I am just trying to create a link between the already selected Node and the next selected Node but can’t seem to figure out the logistics.

In a GoView.ObjectGotSelection event handler you can look at the GoView.Selection collection to see what had been selected before. Then you can decide to create a new link or not.

Is there way to write a method that returns an Object on a mouse click?

Sections “Tools” and “Events”. Starts pg 11 in the User Guide.

Alright, thanks…