We are pleased to announce the public availability of the next beta release of GoDiagram version 2.3. [EDIT: beta kits are now obsolete.]
Summary of Significant New Features since 2.2<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The complete list of changes and new features is included later in this document.
· added GoView.BackgroundLayer property, behind all document layers
· added GoView properties: TopBar, RightBar, BottomBar, LeftBar, TopLeftCorner, TopRightCorner, BottomRightCorner, BottomLeftCorner
· added GoView.OnObjectEnterLeave event (with corresponding methods and delegate), GoView.DoObjectEnterLeave, and GoObject.OnEnterLeave method; to simplify implementing mouse-over behaviors when entering and leaving document objects
· added GoView.NewLinkPrototype property, subsuming the GoView.NewLinkClass property
· added GoView.NewGoLink and NewGoLabeledLink properties as type-specific values for NewLinkPrototype, to simplify initializing new links without defining a GoView.LinkCreated event handler
· added GoView.ScriptFile property, to support external script files; the default (an empty string) continues to produce the standard function definitions inline; these definitions are also available in the GoWeb.js file in the Samples directory [GoDiagram Web]
· added GoView.CursorName property, for setting GoView.Cursor using a cursor name rather than a WinForms Cursor
· added PickObjectsInRectangle method in GoView, GoDocument, and GoLayer, now called by GoView.SelectInRectangle
· GoDocument.StartTransaction, FinishTransaction, AbortTransaction, Undo, and Redo now raise Changed events with corresponding hints, to make updating UI easier using event handlers instead of overriding methods, and to support saving changes to a database as each undo or redo occurs (if not using batch-style save and load)
· added GoObject.GetCursorName method, to specify a cursor for an object, for WebForms and for SVG, not just for WinForms
· added mapping names to GoGroup children: ChildName, FindChild, AddChildName, RemoveChildName, String indexer, ChildNames; this allows you to refer to particular child objects without having to refer to them by their position in the IList/GoGroup and without adding fields in a subclass to refer to them.
· added GoGroup.PickableBackground property (actually promoted up from GoSubGraph), so that a user's mouse event in the whole rectangular area of a group can cause the group to be picked, even if there are no child objects at that mouse point
· many changes to GoSubGraph, mostly involving removing the restriction that the Bounds of the subgraph be the same as where the border is drawn
· added support for interactive reanchoring of GoBalloons
· added GoToolCreating tool, to let users create objects by background-dragging their bounds, given a prototype object
· Generated SVG now supports limited interaction: tooltips, cursors, custom panning/zooming, HREF links, selection by clicking or by rubber-band dragging
· GoXmlWriter methods have been generalized to either write XML to a Stream or produce an XmlDocument
· many other improvements to GoXml
· examples of customizing SVG generation in Demo1
· example reading/writing GraphML in OrgCharter
· added several example node classes displaying much textual information in different arrangements--see the InfoNode* examples in Demo1
· added example CollapsibleListGroup class in Demo1, that uses GoCollapsibleHandle to show one of two GoListGroups
· added example BarNode class in Demo1, as a wide bar with a single port (a BarPort) with links only coming in or leaving from the top or the bottom
· added example AdjustableConnectionBoxPort and AdjustableConnectionLink classes in Demo1, to demonstrate how a port can dynamically adjust the link point at a port for a link as the user drags the end point of the link
· added example timeline class using a GraduatedScaleLinear in InstrumentDemo