We are pleased to announce the public availability of the next beta release of GoDiagram version 2.5.
[EDIT: beta kit locations are now obsolete]
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P>There are now two sets of installation kits: one for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005, and one for .NET 1.1 and Visual Studio 2003.</O:P><O:P>
Taken from the release notes for GoDiagram Win:</O:P><O:P>
Summary of Significant New Features since 2.4
- added GoDocument.RoutingTime property, with GoRoutingTime enum, to control when links are routed, including when nodes are dragged onto a link or when a link is dragged onto a node
- added IGoRoutable interface, implemented by GoLink and GoLabeledLink; the IGoRoutable.CalculateRoute method is implemented by GoLink to call GoLink.CalculateStroke
- added ToolTipText property on GoView, GoLink, and GoLabeledLink
- ability for user to resize GoOverview.OverviewRect to rescale the Observed GoView
- refactored GoSubGraph by splitting into a new base class, GoSubGraphBase, that can be used to implement your own subgraphs
- added Flowgrammer, Fishbone, UpdateDemo, DataSetDemo, InteractiveForce samples
- added DecoratedTextNode, InfoNode8, LimitingSubGraph, XmlSubGraphTextNode example classes in Demo1
- faster automatic layouts, using type-specific IGoLayoutNetwork, IGoLayoutNetworkNode, IGoLayoutNetworkLink classes for each kind of GoLayout
- added GoLayoutTree
- added GoPrintView Control, renders as multiple large images for multi-page printing by browser
- added GoViewDataRenderer class, to permit customization of the client-side data that accompanies each image
- extended functionality in GoWeb.js, the standard JavaScript functions running on the client, for doing more on the client without postbacks, such as hiding/showing DHTML, reloading other views, handling errors, invoking server-side event handlers
- implemented GoContextMenu and MenuItem for simple client-side context menus, a source-compatible subset of WinForms functionality, defined using styles, with the default definitions contained in the GoWeb.css file
- added GoWebImageHandler, an IHttpHandler to generate images more efficiently than GoWebImage.aspx
- improved the sample web applications to make most views "NoPost"