The full list of changes is in the *Readme.rtf file (e.g. WinReadme) in the docs folder.
· Removed several obsolete GoView properties:<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
- GoView.CornerControl, instead use GoView.BottomRightCorner
- GoView.GridColor, instead use GoView.GridLineColor
- GoView.GridPenWidth, instead use GoView.GridLineWidth
- GoView.GridPenDashStyle, instead use GoView.GridLineDashStyle
- GoView.SelectsByFirstChar, instead set or clear the GoViewDisableKeys.SelectsByFirstChar flag from the GoView.DisableKeys property
The history of gird/view changes started in 2.4.1:
GoGrid<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
· added IGoDragSnapper interface, to allow objects to control dragging behavior
· added GoGrid, implementing IGoDragSnapper
· added GoView.BackgroundGrid property and GoView.CreateGrid method
· reimplemented GoView grid properties to delegate to the GoView.Grid object, that is either GoView.BackgroundGrid or GoView.Sheet.Grid
· removed GoView.DrawGrid... methods (now on GoGrid)
· added GoView.SnapPoint method, that looks for IGoDragSnapper objects
· removed GoView.FindNearestGridPoint method (now on GoGrid)