GoDiagram IIS 7.5

Hello everybody, i have a problem when i try to test locally the application with IIS 7.5 and Visual Studio 2008.

Here is the situation, we have a radgrid, when you double click one row, displays a GoDiagram Window (Tree).

Problem is that in Visual Studio 2008 an exception appears (the license exception), i dont have a license but i dont want to deploy the app, only debug with it.

Its an Web Application Project, Windows 7 Enterprise x64, IIS 7.5.

Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to set up Visual Studio to use IIS 7.5 instead of the built in debug server? Tell me how you accomplish that, and I’ll go give it a try.

Yep, you have to create a Web Site in IIS 7.5, reference the project folder. (in case if you have a Web Application Project, you need to right click the Web Site Folder (NOT THE IIS WEBSITE) and set up as an Application)

In Visual Studio you have to right click your Web Site Project, go to Property Pages → Start Options → Server → Use Custom Server and in Base URL you have to put the URL from the IIS (http://localhost:(the port you set up in IIS)/(the project folder))

Example: http://localhost:80/MyProject

If you use x32 apps in x64 environment you need to right click your Apps Pool, and set Allow x32 Applications to True.

And for last maybe you need to modify your web.config file, removing some assemblies not big deal.

Im using Classic App Pool.

I hope you understand, my english is not very good.

OK, I’ll see if I can get that all set up.

My guess is that you’ve tripped over into “deployment” here, and that you just aren’t going to be able to run in this set up without a license.

Have you tried to just use the VS2008 development server? Does that work?

No, because we use Oracle as Database, and Win 7 x64 has 2 Program Files folders (Program Files (x86) & Program Files), VS2008 installs the development server in Program Fles (X86), these gave us problems with Oracle, because there is () characters in the development server path.

The VS2008 install program doesnt let me change the dev server path.

When i try to debug the application with the default dev server it gives me an Oracle Exception (Connection Not Open).

Sorry… it’s taken me a while to get VS2010 running with a GoWeb Web Application running under IIS 7.5. And what I mentioned above appears to be true: you can do this with a full GoWeb license, but not with an eval license.