this is sharepoint development. Please find the below steps to reproduce
1.Create a folder in your local.
2.Run yo @microsoft/sharepoint in your command prompt frpm the folder
3. Give appropriate names and select 2016 onwards including sharepoint online and select React Option.
4.A solution will be created .
5. Run npm install gojs @latest
6.Inside the component folder there will be tsx file inside the solution. there give import * as go from ‘gojs/release/go-module.js’; and run gulp serve .
I had to first do: npm i -g yo npm install @microsoft/generator-sharepoint yo @microsoft/sharepoint npm i -g gulp
before the rest of your instructions could work.
I get a ReferenceError: primordials is not defined error.
That doesn’t involve GoJS at all, and that’s not the error that you are getting.
FYI, npm also provides this information:
found 1049 vulnerabilities (483 low, 28 moderate, 533 high, 5 critical)
run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
Those are the commands I executed, twice, in a new directory each time.
I will try it again, but I don’t know how or why the result would be different.
Those error messages don’t make any sense at all. The go.d.ts file is generated by the TypeScript compiler when compiling the GoJS source code. We never see that kind of error in our use of it, and no one else has reported anything like it.
The “How to fix …” link would be useful for someone who knew where the problem was occurring, but I have no idea about that. I don’t understand why getting the latest version of software from npm would result in a broken process – I think waiting until the responsible people fix it correctly is my only practical choice for now.