GoJS integration with splunk not working

I am trying to integrate GoJS with splunk app. Created a dashboard and edited its source to include goJS library.
Have tried including it from cdn and as external script both(by placing it in static folder of splunk app)
But the issue is I am not able to create diagram. It shows only blank div.No error in console. Need help urgently.

Sample code:

  <title>Basic GoJS Sample</title>


       <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gojs/2.0.15/go.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" id="code">
    function init() { 
      var $ = go.GraphObject.make; 
      myDiagram =
        $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
            "clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData": { text: "Node", color: "white" },
            "commandHandler.archetypeGroupData": { text: "Group", isGroup: true, color: "blue" },
            "undoManager.isEnabled": true
      function makeButton(text, action, visiblePredicate) {
        return $("ContextMenuButton",
          $(go.TextBlock, text),
          { click: action },
          visiblePredicate ? new go.Binding("visible", "", function(o, e) { return o.diagram ? visiblePredicate(o, e) : false; }).ofObject() : {});
      var partContextMenu =
            function(e, obj) {
              var contextmenu = obj.part;
              var part = contextmenu.adornedPart;
              if (part instanceof go.Link) alert(linkInfo(part.data));
              else if (part instanceof go.Group) alert(groupInfo(contextmenu));
              else alert(nodeInfo(part.data));
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.cutSelection(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canCutSelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.copySelection(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canCopySelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.pasteSelection(e.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canPasteSelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.deleteSelection(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canDeleteSelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.undo(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canUndo(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.redo(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canRedo(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.groupSelection(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canGroupSelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.ungroupSelection(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canUngroupSelection(); })
      function nodeInfo(d) { 
        var str = "Node " + d.key + ": " + d.text + "\n";
        if (d.group)
          str += "member of " + d.group;
          str += "top-level node";
        return str;
      myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
        $(go.Node, "Auto",
          { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
          $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
              fill: "white", 
              portId: "", cursor: "pointer",  
              fromLinkable: true, fromLinkableSelfNode: true, fromLinkableDuplicates: true,
              toLinkable: true, toLinkableSelfNode: true, toLinkableDuplicates: true
            new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
              font: "bold 14px sans-serif",
              stroke: '#333',
              margin: 6,  
              isMultiline: false,  
              editable: true
            new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay()),  
                $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },  
                  new go.Binding("text", "", nodeInfo))
            contextMenu: partContextMenu
      function linkInfo(d) {  
        return "Link:\nfrom " + d.from + " to " + d.to;
      myDiagram.linkTemplate =
          { toShortLength: 3, relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true }, 
            { strokeWidth: 2 },
            new go.Binding("stroke", "color")),
            { toArrow: "Standard", stroke: null },
            new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
                $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
                  new go.Binding("text", "", linkInfo))
            contextMenu: partContextMenu
      function groupInfo(adornment) {  
        var g = adornment.adornedPart;
        var mems = g.memberParts.count;
        var links = 0;
        g.memberParts.each(function(part) {
          if (part instanceof go.Link) links++;
        return "Group " + g.data.key + ": " + g.data.text + "\n" + mems + " members including " + links + " links";
      myDiagram.groupTemplate =
        $(go.Group, "Vertical",
            selectionObjectName: "PANEL",  
            ungroupable: true 
              font: "bold 19px sans-serif",
              isMultiline: false,  
              editable: true
            new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay(),
            new go.Binding("stroke", "color")),
          $(go.Panel, "Auto",
            { name: "PANEL" },
            $(go.Shape, "Rectangle",
                fill: "rgba(128,128,128,0.2)", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3,
                portId: "", cursor: "pointer", 
                fromLinkable: true, fromLinkableSelfNode: true, fromLinkableDuplicates: true,
                toLinkable: true, toLinkableSelfNode: true, toLinkableDuplicates: true
            $(go.Placeholder, { margin: 10, background: "transparent" })  
                $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
                  new go.Binding("text", "", groupInfo).ofObject())
            contextMenu: partContextMenu
      function diagramInfo(model) {  
        return "Model:\n" + model.nodeDataArray.length + " nodes, " + model.linkDataArray.length + " links";
      myDiagram.toolTip =
          $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 4 },
            new go.Binding("text", "", diagramInfo))
      myDiagram.contextMenu =
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.pasteSelection(e.diagram.lastInput.documentPoint); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canPasteSelection(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.undo(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canUndo(); }),
            function(e, obj) { e.diagram.commandHandler.redo(); },
            function(o) { return o.diagram.commandHandler.canRedo(); })
      var nodeDataArray =[
{ "key":"1", "color":"transparent" ,"text": "AWS Gateway","group": "5", "img": "/assets/images/aws.png"},
{ "key":"2", "color":"transparent","text": "BackEnd","group": "5","img": "/assets/images/sql.png" },
{ "key":"3", "color":"transparent","text": "FrontEnd","img": "/assets/images/user.png" },
{ "key":"4", "color":"transparent","text": "Container N","img": "/assets/images/cloud.png" },
{ "key":"6", "color":"transparent","text": "AWS Fargate" ,"group": "8" },
{ "key":"7", "color":"transparent","text": "AWS RDS" ,"group": "8","img": "/assets/images/rds.png"},
{"key": "5", "text": "Private Subnet", "color": "grey", "isGroup": true },
{"key": "8", "text": "VPC Endpoint", "color": "grey", "isGroup": true }
      var linkDataArray = [
{ "from":"1", "to":"2" },
{ "from":"2", "to":"3" },
{ "from":"1", "to":"3" },
{ "from":"4", "to":"3" },
{ "from":"3", "to":"1" },
{ "from":"6", "to":"2" },
{ "from":"7", "to":"4" }
      myDiagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
<div id="sample">
  <div id="myDiagramDiv" style="border: solid 1px black; width:550px; height:400px"></div>

We are completely unfamiliar with how to use Splunk. Sorry. Maybe this helps:

The GoJS library has no dependencies, so that is not a constraint.

In the browser debugger can you see that the go.js or go-debug.js file has loaded?