Gojs OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool bug

I use OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool as linkReshapingTool. There is a problem like the image below

My LinkTemplate

                        name: "LINK",
                        routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes,
                        corner: 5,
                        curve: go.Link.JumpOver,
                        reshapable: true,
                        resegmentable: true,
                        relinkableFrom: true,
                        relinkableTo: true,
                        adjusting: go.Link.Scale,
                        fromEndSegmentLength: 10,
                        toEndSegmentLength: 15,
                        fromShortLength: fromArrow.shortLength !== undefined ? fromArrow.shortLength : fromArrow.name ? 3 : NaN,
                        toShortLength: toArrow.shortLength !== undefined ? toArrow.shortLength : toArrow.name ? 3 : NaN
                    new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(),
                            stroke: borderColor,
                            strokeWidth: borderSize,
                            strokeDashArray: borderDashArray,
                            margin: 5
                        new go.Binding("stroke", "font", function (val, node) {
                            return val && val.borderColor ? val.borderColor : "#000";
                        new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "", function (val) {
                            var _width = internalHelper._getBorderWidth(val);
                            if (!_width) {
                                _width = borderSize;
                            return _width;
                        new go.Binding("strokeDashArray", "", function (val) {
                            var _borderDashArray = internalHelper._getBorderDashArray(val);
                            if (!_borderDashArray) {
                                _borderDashArray = borderDashArray;
                            return _borderDashArray;
                    GO(go.Shape, {
                        fromArrow: fromArrow.name,
                        fill: fromArrow.filled ? borderColor : "white",
                        stroke: borderColor
                        new go.Binding("stroke", "font", function (val, node) {
                            return val && val.borderColor ? val.borderColor : "#000";
                        new go.Binding("fill", "font", function (val, node) {
                            return val && val.borderColor ? val.borderColor : "#000";
                    GO(go.Shape, {
                        toArrow: toArrow.name,
                        fill: toArrow.filled ? borderColor : "white",
                        stroke: borderColor
                        new go.Binding("stroke", "font", function (val, node) {
                            return val && val.borderColor ? val.borderColor : "#000";
                        new go.Binding("fill", "font", function (val, node) {
                            return val && val.borderColor ? val.borderColor : "#000";
                    GO(go.Panel, "Auto",
                            cursor: "move",
                            minSize: new go.Size(30, 15),
                            _isLinkLabel: true
                        new go.Binding("background", "text", function (s) {
                            if (s)
                                return EN.isValidColor(canvasBackground) ? canvasBackground : "transparent";
                                return "transparent";
                        GO(go.Shape,  // the label background, which becomes transparent around the edges
                                name: "LINKSHAPE",
                                fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0.05)",
                                stroke: "rgba(0,0,0,0.33)",
                                strokeDashArray: [3, 3]
                            new go.Binding("stroke", "", function (node) {
                                var _color = internalHelper._getBorderColor(node.data);

                                if (!_color && args.getFontSettings) {
                                    _color = internalHelper._getBorderColor({ font: args.getFontSettings() });

                                if (!_color) {
                                    _color = node && node.isSelected ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.33)" : "transparent";

                                return _color;
                            new go.Binding("fill", "", function (node) {
                                var _color = internalHelper._getBackgroundColor(node.data);

                                if (!_color && args.getFontSettings) {
                                    _color = internalHelper._getBackgroundColor({ font: args.getFontSettings() });

                                if (!_color) {
                                    _color = node.isSelected ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.05)" : "transparent";

                                return _color;
                                textAlign: "center",
                                font: "10pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif",
                                stroke: "black",
                                margin: 4,
                                editable: true,
                                minSize: new go.Size(30, 10)
                            new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay()
                        new go.Binding("segmentOffset", "segmentOffset", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
                        new go.Binding("segmentIndex").makeTwoWay(),
                        new go.Binding("segmentFraction").makeTwoWay()

Yes, that point is really there in the route (look at the Link.points to confirm). You can drag that handle to show that the user can modify that segment of the route. And note that your editable label is where it should be too, in the middle of the link route.

The path is not drawn to and from that point that you are complaining about. However the reshaping handles aren’t that smart, so the handle for that point looks lost.

So what exactly do you think the problem is and what do you think should be done about it?

An image like this is supposed to be
I think the wrong situation. There is a breakdown when it shapes the connection from the middle area.

Add this line to your copy of extensions/OrthogonalLinkReshapingTool.js, in the reshape method:

      } else if (index === link.lastPickIndex - 1) {
        link.insertPoint(index, link.getPoint(index).copy());
        if (index-1 === link.firstPickIndex+1) this.handle.segmentIndex = index-1;

I hope this covers your situation and all related ones.

Yes my problem has been fixed. Thank you so much

sometimes such a problem occurs but

What is your complaint? You set the Link.toEndSegmentLength to 15, but I’m guessing that the horizontal segment there is about 15 document units away from the link point (at the edge of the node). So there isn’t room for a proper corner before the next segment (the final one in this case) starts.