GoMultiText CopyPast not working


Iam unable to copy & paste GoMultiTextNode object using Keyboard (ctrl+c) & (ctrl+v).
but it is working fine with CTRL+Drag. The GoObjects we are using in our project are all inherited ones.

public abstract class G1: GoMultiTextNode {

protected G1(Work workspace,string id,bool left,bool right): this(workspace,id) {
  heading = new Heading(workspace,GetType().Name);
     AddItem(heading,null,null);  //this is not cloned by govew 

private Heading(Workspace workspace,string text) {
this.workspace = workspace;
icon = new GoImage { Top = 0,Left = 3,Selectable = false,Image = Images.Label };
GoShape shape = (GoShape)Background;
shape.BrushStyle = GoBrushStyle.SimpleGradientHorizontal;
shape.BrushColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
Text = text.PadLeft(text.Length + 9,’ ');
AutoResizes = false;
Copyable = false;
Deletable = false;
DragsNode = true;
Label.Clipping = false;
Label.StringTrimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
Movable = false;
Pen = Pens.White;
Selectable = false;
Resizable = false;
ToolTipText = text;
Width = 120;
public string Guidelines {
get ;
set ;

In general, any time copy & paste doesn’t work… it’s a problem with serialization.

In this case, I think it’s that you need a parameterless constructor for the class to be serializable.