We are using GoDiagram(TM) for ASP.NET Web Forms version 2.6.2
We have come accross the following situation...
If we use Inproc sessions the GoPallete events seems tio work perfectly.
( web.config --> )<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
But when we switched to Sqlserver sessions the eventd do not get fired.
( web.config --> )
our initialize components looks as follows:
private void InitializeComponent()
this.MyPalette.ObjectDoubleClicked += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObjectEventHandler(this.MyPalette_ObjectDoubleClicked);
this.MyPalette.BackgroundDoubleClicked += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObjectEventHandler(this.MyPalette_BackgroundDoubleClicked);
this.MyView.LinkCreated += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoSelectionEventHandler(this.MyView_LinkCreated);
this.MyPalette.ObjectDoubleClicked += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObjectEventHandler(this.MyPalette_ObjectDoubleClicked);
this.MyPalette.BackgroundDoubleClicked += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoObjectEventHandler(this.MyPalette_BackgroundDoubleClicked);
this.MyView.LinkCreated += new Northwoods.GoWeb.GoSelectionEventHandler(this.MyView_LinkCreated);
I only tested ObjectDoubleClicked and BackgroundDoubleClicked and neither of them are working under SQLServer sessions.
The events of other web controls such as textboxes, buttons etc. work correctly and so are sessions.
Thus I am quite sure that the SQLServer session is working correctly but Gopalette is not identifying SQLServer sessions
Does anyone have any clue to this issue.