

When I add a new object in GoView, I want it shape square

When Mouse moving with Shift Key, it should be changed square shape (both height and width are same)

I use my New class

and then, made methods
public override void DoMouseMove()
public override void DoMouseUp()

public class myToolCreating : GoToolCreating
public override void DoMouseMove()
if (this.LastInput.Shift)
###### code 1 ########


  public override void DoMouseUp()
              ###### code 2 ######



I need code1, code2…

Would you give me sample code in the method…

or Another solution.

please reply
thank you

Here is the code for ComputeBox in GoCreateTool. I think the simplest thing to do is override this and add your square constraint.

You can use this.LastInput.Modifiers to test for shift (the low bit set).

    public virtual RectangleF ComputeBox() {
      PointF start = this.FirstInput.DocPoint;
      PointF latest = this.LastInput.DocPoint;
      if (this.SnapsToGrid) {
        start = this.View.SnapPoint(start, this.NewObject);
        latest = this.View.SnapPoint(latest, this.NewObject);
      RectangleF r = new RectangleF(Math.Min(latest.X, start.X),
                                    Math.Min(latest.Y, start.Y),
                                    Math.Abs(latest.X - start.X),
                                    Math.Abs(latest.Y - start.Y));
      SizeF min = this.MinimumSize;
      SizeF max = this.MaximumSize;
      if (r.Width < min.Width)
        r.Width = min.Width;
      else if (r.Width > max.Width)
        r.Width = max.Width;
      if (r.Height < min.Height)
        r.Height = min.Height;
      else if (r.Height > max.Height)
        r.Height = max.Height;
      return r;