Graph Node(Go List Group)


We have add dynamic GoListGroup in graph node.Graph node appears like below,

when we click up image then hide golistgroup,but graph node appears like

but bounds of graph node cant reduce.




We follow your suggestion.but after that undo operation
when performing hide the Go List group, donot hide the Go List group
Graph Node appears like below:



this works for me… this intended as a sample only, and is not something I would consider “production ready”.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Northwoods.Go;
namespace Demo1 {
// A GoTextNode with a decoration near the top right corner,
// showing an image "behind" the Background shape and some text
// centered on the image.
public class PTextNode : TriangleTextNode, IGoCollapsible
public PTextNode() {
ColListGroup lg = CreateListGroup();
myListGroup = lg;
InsertAfter(this.Background, lg);
AddChildName("listgroup", lg);
GoCollapsibleHandle h = new GoCollapsibleHandle();
h.Position = new PointF(0, 0);
AddChildName("handle", h);
// initialize this node...
this.Text = "PTextNode";
// this field keeps track of this group's decoration
private ColListGroup myListGroup = null;
// update the field to refer to the copied decoration if the node is copied
protected override void CopyChildren(GoGroup newgroup, GoCopyDictionary env) {
base.CopyChildren(newgroup, env);
PTextNode node = (PTextNode)newgroup;
node.myListGroup = (ColListGroup)env[myListGroup];
public ColListGroup ListGroup
get { return myListGroup; }
public SizeF ListGroupSize
SizeF size = new SizeF(0, 0);
ColListGroup lg = ListGroup;
if (lg != null)
size = lg.Size;
return size;
public virtual ColListGroup CreateListGroup ()
// second list-group is Item[1]
ColListGroup lg = new ColListGroup();
lg.Selectable = false;
lg.BorderPen = Pens.Black;
lg.BrushColor = Color.White;
GoText t2a = new GoText();
t2a.Selectable = false;
t2a.Text = "item one";
t2a.Bold = true;
t2a.TransparentBackground = true;
GoText t2b = new GoText();
t2b.Text = "item two";
t2b.TransparentBackground = false;
t2b.DragsNode = true;
GoText t2c = new GoText();
t2c.Text = "item three";
t2c.TransparentBackground = false;
t2c.DragsNode = true;
return lg;
// position the BottomRight of the decoration's Label to be just
// above this node's Background, aligned with the right edge of this node's Label
public override void LayoutChildren(GoObject childchanged) {
if (Initializing) return;
ColListGroup lg = this.ListGroup;
SizeF sizelg = ListGroupSize;
BottomRightMargin = new SizeF(10 + Math.Abs(sizelg.Width - this.Label.Width), 17 + sizelg.Height);
if (lg != null && this.Background != null && this.Label != null)
PointF pt = new PointF(this.Label.Left, this.Label.Bottom + 10);
lg.SetSpotLocation(TopLeft, pt);
GoObject h = FindChild("handle");
if (h != null) h.SetSpotLocation(BottomRight, lg, TopRight);

// implement IGoCollapsible:
public bool Collapsible
get { return true; }
set { }
public void Collapse()
public void Expand()
public bool IsExpanded
get { return ListGroup.IsExpanded; }
// subclass to allow me to set protected InvalidBounds
public class ColListGroup : GoListGroup, IGoCollapsible
public bool Collapsible
get { return true; }
set { }
public void Collapse()
foreach (GoObject o in this)
o.Visible = false;
this.InvalidBounds = true;
public void Expand()
foreach (GoObject o in this)
o.Visible = true;
this.InvalidBounds = true;
public bool IsExpanded
// yeah, it has to have one item
get { return this[0].Visible; }