Group by Radial

Hi Walter,

i am expecting diagram to be group by like radial.

can you help me with the group template, how can i achieve this ?

sample image attached, is it possible?

Please find the code,

 myDiagram.groupTemplate = $(go.Group, "Auto",
          layout: $(RadialLayout, {
              maxLayers: 2,
              rotateNode: function(node, angle, sweep, radius) {  // method override must be function, not =>
                // rotate the nodes and make sure the text is not upside-down
                node.angle = angle;
                var label = node.findObject("TEXTBLOCK");
                if (label !== null) {
                  label.angle = ((angle > 90 && angle < 270 || angle < -90) ? 180 : 0);
              commitLayers: function() {  // method override must be function, not =>
                // optional: add circles in the background
                // need to remove any old ones first
                const diagram = this.diagram;
                var gridlayer = diagram.findLayer("Grid");
                var circles = new go.Set(/*go.Part*/);
       => {
                  if ( === "CIRCLE") circles.add(circle);
                circles.each(circle => diagram.remove(circle));
                // add circles centered at the root
                for (var lay = 1; lay <= this.maxLayers; lay++) {
                  var radius = lay * this.layerThickness;
                  var circle =
                      { name: "CIRCLE", layerName: "Grid" },
                      { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, location: this.root.location },
                      $(go.Shape, "Circle",
                        { width: radius * 2, height: radius * 2 },
                        { fill: "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)", stroke: null }));
          minSize: new go.Size(180, 180)
        $(go.Shape, "Circle",
          { fill: "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)"}),

I haven’t tried your code, but what is your question, precisely?

Why are you adding the circles Part to the diagram?