HighlightWhenSelected affects Relinkable?

If i set HighlightWhenSelected property of the link to true i cannot relink links any more.

Am i right with this statement?

Yes, that’s true, the user cannot relink because there are no resize handles. (But you the programmer can, as always.)
If you want to have the resize handles appear normally as well as use the HighlightPen, I suggest you not use that HighlightWhenSelected property, and instead override AddSelectionHandles and RemoveSelectionHandles as follows:
public override void AddSelectionHandles(GoSelection sel, GoObject selectedObj) {
bool oldskips = this.SkipsUndoManager;
this.SkipsUndoManager = true;
this.Highlight = true;
this.SkipsUndoManager = oldskips;
base.AddSelectionHandles(sel, selectedObj);
public override void RemoveSelectionHandles(GoSelection sel) {
bool oldskips = this.SkipsUndoManager;
this.SkipsUndoManager = true;
this.Highlight = false;
this.SkipsUndoManager = oldskips;