How i can show Guidelines whiles moving lines?

I have used GuidedDraggingTool.js for guidelines while moving nodes. I have used link-shifting-tool.js for shifting lines. I need to show guidelines while moving lines or shifting lines. is it possible? how i can work for that?

Yes, one could modify the LinkShiftingTool by extending it in a manner similar to how the GuidedDraggingTool extended the regular DraggingTool.

I have added “go.Diagram.inherit(LinkShiftingTool, go.GuidedDraggingTool);” into LinkShiftingTool.js file.
Is it correct??It is not working.Do I need to do anything else?

No, you will have to add state and override methods to a new subclass of LinkShiftingTool.
Or else make a copy and modify LinkShiftingTool.js.

Sorry but I do not understand what exactly you are saying. Could please tell me in detailed?

Subclass LinkShiftingTool in a manner similar to how the GuidedDraggingTool extended the regular DraggingTool.