I have a question.
I would like to show the sheet which is possible to change sizes on GodrawView.
Depending on the sheet size ruler will also be adjusted.
Excuding negative Coordinates and represents only the specified size(ex, 0 ~ 100)
Is it possible to adjust the sheet size using properties(documentsize or PaperSize) on Runtime.?
Yes, if you have created a Sheet, it defaults to the settings in DefaultPageSettings of the .NET PrintDocument object. (see the documentation for the GoView CreateSheet method for details.) GoDiagram Win Reference
You can change the size of the sheet by calling sheet.UpdateBounds with a PageSettings object.
We don’t provide any built-in user interface for doing that.
If I create sheet on document of view, how to fix the topleft point of sheet (0, 0).
and I don’t want to display negative coordinates on Rulers.
When I zoom in/out the view, sheet should be fixed in the upper left corner of View.