How to draw coordinates and line on only picture part, not whole svg ( just one part of svg)

unable to draw coordinates and line on only picture part, not whole canvas (just one part of canvas)

similar to this Draw points on canvas with image - JSFiddle - Code Playground

I have did like this in my react app

const drawCoordinates = (x, y) => {
      const pointSize = 4;
      const ctx = document

      ctx.fillStyle = '#ff2626'; // Red color
      ctx.arc(x, y, pointSize, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

`and call above function below on click of image`

$(go.Picture, BoatSvg, {
          // $(go.Picture, ships[randomImageIndex].image, {
          width: 210,
          height: 500,
          margin: 2,
          position: new go.Point(0, 0),
          imageStretch: go.GraphObject.Fill,
          click(e, obj) {
            drawCoordinates(e.Wr.screenX, e.Wr.screenY);

First, do not use any two-letter properties – those are undocumented minified names that will change with each release. Please read GoJS Introduction -- Northwoods Software

Second, rendering using Canvas functions will not work in general. In fact, even assuming that there is a Canvas there might not work.

Did you want to use the FreehandDrawingTool extension? Freehand Drawing Tool
You could show a Picture in the background.