How to identify links at/near cursor position

In my diagrams I often have links partially overlapping each other. I would like to identify all links passing current cursor position to concatenate a common tooltip over such sections of overlapping links. E.g.
from: Node1
to: Node2

from: Node3
to: Node:3
instead of showing tooltip either
from: Node1
to: Node2
from: Node3
to: Node:3

Is it OK to assume that you would not want to show a tooltip when the cursor is not over any link, when a tooltip would normally be shown? I’m wondering if you really need to show a tooltip when the mouse/finger is not over any link at all, even though there are several links nearby.

Assuming the answer is no: in your tooltip, when you are deciding what information to display, you could call Diagram.findPartsNear, using the Diagram.lastInput.documentPoint, look at the Parts (i.e. Nodes or Links) within the resulting collection, and choose what you want to include.