How to integrate GoJS in native app - Android and iOS?

We’re going to develop an app something similar on the link below but we don’t know how to integrate the GoJS library in our app. Thank you in advance.

Have you seen the apps under the “projects” directory that demonstrate embedding the Logic Circuit sample in Cordova, Electron, and NW?

@walter will check it.

have any solution or samples to solve gojs integrare in android?
or in weex?
found it can run in web’s weex successfully,but when weex run android, the app show nothing.

I am unfamiliar with Weex, but from its description I think it is unlikely that GoJS or any HTML UI library will work in Weex on iOS or Android unless you put the diagram in a WebView component running the GoJS JavaScript code with the HTML DOM.

tks for your reply.
I saw your reply on Jan 17 about the integrate the GoJS library in app, and now if there is any solution about run gojs in native app in Android?

That was January 2017. Nothing new since then. There is an example using Cordova: GoJS-projects/cordova-circuit at master · NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS-projects · GitHub, and one using NW: GoJS-projects/nw-circuit at master · NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS-projects · GitHub. But both are old.