How to make GoView maintain it's position

I’d like to know if it’s, in any way, possible to make the GoView diagram maintain it’s view position when clicked (postedback). I have some elements in the diagram, some outside of the visible area, so I scoll in the view so I can view those elements. But when I click them, the diagram always go back to the origin (top-left corner). Is there a way to prevent this behavior?

Are you always reinitializing the GoView’s GoDocument when the page reloads, even when it’s a postback?

it’s not reinitialized on postbacks, but I’ve seen that the application is changing page, so even if the exact same diagram is loaded on the other page, it goes back to the origin. So I’ll try to set it’s view rectagle (is it the DisplayRectangle property?, I’ll try)

Did you want to share the same GoDocument between pages, and thus between different GoViews? That’s quite possible, but if both views are visible at the same time (i.e. in different client browser windows), that could be confusing to the user because all but one of those views will be up-to-date, unless you take extra measures to make sure all views reload somehow.

ok, problem solved using the ScrollLine() method…