How to make hyperlink optional clickable

I need to display hyperlink optionally depending on the URL property available in the data.

For eq. Few of my nodes has valid URL and few don’t. So depending on the url property, i need to make the text either clickable or non-clickable.

How to achieve this ? What change needs to be made in hyperlink.js OR in template ??

That’s a good suggestion. We’ll change the definition of the click event handler of the “HyperlinkText” builder to be:

  // define the click behavior
  var click =
    function(e, obj) {
      var url = obj._url;
      if (typeof url === "function") url = url(obj.findTemplateBinder());
      if (url), "_blank");

Note how I just added if (url). So you can have the first argument to “HyperlinkText” be a function that sometimes returns a falsy value, which causes the user’s click to do nothing.

You can make this change right now to your copy of extensions/HyperlinkText.js or extensionsTS/HyperlinkText.ts, depending on which one you are using.

Yes. Implemented it on same line.


Actually, it ought not to underline the text on mouse-over or show a tooltip if the function does not return a non-empty string. Here’s an updated extensions/HyperlinkText.js file:

"use strict";
*  Copyright (C) 1998-2018 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

// A "HyperlinkText" is either a TextBlock or a Panel containing a TextBlock that when clicked
// opens a new browser window with a given or computed URL.
// When the user's mouse passes over a "HyperlinkText", the text is underlined.
// When the mouse hovers over a "HyperlinkText", it shows a tooltip that displays the URL.

// This "HyperlinkText" builder is not pre-defined in the GoJS library, so you will need to load this definition.

// Typical usages:
//    $("HyperlinkText", "", "Visit GoJS")
//    $("HyperlinkText",
//        function(node) { return "" +; },
//        function(node) { return "Visit GoJS version " +; })
//    $("HyperlinkText",
//        function(node) { return "" +; },
//        $(go.Panel, "Auto",
//            $(go.Shape, ...),
//            $(go.TextBlock, ...)
//        )
//    )

// The first argument to the "HyperlinkText" builder should be either the URL string or a function
// that takes the data-bound Panel and returns the URL string.
// If the URL string is empty or if the function returns an empty string,
// the text will not be underlined on a mouse-over and a click has no effect.

// The second argument to the "HyperlinkText" builder may be either a string to display in a TextBlock,
// or a function that takes the data-bound Panel and returns the string to display in a TextBlock.
// If no text string or function is provided, it assumes all of the arguments are used to
// define the visual tree for the "HyperlinkText", in the normal fashion for a Panel.

// The result is either a TextBlock or a Panel.

go.GraphObject.defineBuilder("HyperlinkText", function(args) {
  // the URL is required as the first argument, either a string or a side-effect-free function returning a string
  var url = go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args, undefined, function(x) { return typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "function"; });
  // the text for the HyperlinkText is the optional second argument, either a string or a side-effect-free function returning a string
  var text = go.GraphObject.takeBuilderArgument(args, null, function(x) { return typeof x === "string" || typeof x === "function"; });

  // see if the visual tree is supplied in the arguments to the "HyperlinkText"
  var anyGraphObjects = false;
  for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    var a = args[i];
    if (a && a instanceof go.GraphObject) anyGraphObjects = true;

  // define the click behavior
  var click =
    function(e, obj) {
      var url = obj._url;
      if (typeof url === "function") url = url(obj.findTemplateBinder());
      if (url), "_blank");

  // define the tooltip
  var tooltip =
    go.GraphObject.make(go.Adornment, "Auto",
      go.GraphObject.make(go.Shape, { fill: "#EFEFCC" }),
      go.GraphObject.make(go.TextBlock, { name: "TB", margin: 4 },
        new go.Binding("text", "", function(obj) {
          // here OBJ will be in the Adornment, need to get the HyperlinkText/TextBlock
          obj = obj.part.adornedObject;
          var url = obj._url;
          if (typeof url === "function") url = url(obj.findTemplateBinder());
          return url;
      new go.Binding("visible", "text", function(t) { return !!t; }).ofObject("TB")

  // if the text is provided, use a new TextBlock; otherwise assume the TextBlock is provided
  if (typeof (text) === "string" || typeof (text) === "function" || !anyGraphObjects) {
    if (text === null && typeof (url) === "string") text = url;
    var tb = go.GraphObject.make(go.TextBlock,
                  "_url": url,
                  cursor: "pointer",
                  mouseEnter: function(e, obj) {
                    var url = obj._url;
                    if (typeof url === "function") url = url(obj.findTemplateBinder());
                    if (url) obj.isUnderline = true;
                  mouseLeave: function(e, obj) { obj.isUnderline = false; },
                  click: click,  // defined above
                  toolTip: tooltip // shared by all HyperlinkText textblocks
    if (typeof(text) === "string") {
      tb.text = text;
    } else if (typeof(text) === "function") {
      tb.bind(new go.Binding("text", "", text).ofObject())
    } else if (typeof (url) === "function") {
      tb.bind(new go.Binding("text", "", url).ofObject())
    return tb;
  } else {
    function findTextBlock(obj) {
      if (obj instanceof go.TextBlock) return obj;
      if (obj instanceof go.Panel) {
        var it = obj.elements;
        while ( {
          var result = findTextBlock(it.value);
          if (result !== null) return result;
      return null;
    return go.GraphObject.make(go.Panel,
        "_url": url,
        cursor: "pointer",
        mouseEnter: function(e, panel) {
          var tb = findTextBlock(panel);
          var url = panel._url;
          if (typeof url === "function") url = url(panel.findTemplateBinder());
          if (tb !== null && url) tb.isUnderline = true;
        mouseLeave: function(e, panel) {
          var tb = findTextBlock(panel);
          if (tb !== null) tb.isUnderline = false;
        click: click,  // defined above
        toolTip: tooltip  // shared by all HyperlinkText panels

Note that your URL-returning function will be called frequently, so it should be fast.

Can I use HTML to make clickable hyperlinks ?? I visited a site apple customer service number and saw that its backend is having HTML and CSS.

Yes, you can have tooltips that are implemented in HTML: GoJS HTML Interaction -- Northwoods Software

If that’s what you want, you’ll need to either change the definition of “HyperlinkText” or copy it with a new name to your own code and modify it there.