How to make lines connecting reshaping handles to link endpoints?

Hi, I’m using reshapable bezier curved links, as in the example here: State Chart

When a link is selected, I’d also like to show straight lines connecting each of the link endpoints with its respective link reshaping tool handle, so that users can easily find each handle (especially if it has ended up outside of the viewport).

I see handleArchetype in LinkReshapingTool, but that doesn’t seem to be quite what I want since it doesn’t appear to accept bindings, etc, since it’s just an archetype.

Can you suggest a way to accomplish this? Maybe subclassing LinkReshapingTool and overriding makeAdornment somehow? Or is there a simpler way?

Try this, as ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool.js:

"use strict";
*  Copyright (C) 1998-2017 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

// A custom LinkReshapingTool that adds an Adornment with two dashed lines
// that connect the reshaping handles of a Bezier curved Link to their respective end points.
// The behavior is exactly the same as a normal LinkReshapingTool when the Link
// is not Bezier curved with exactly four points in the route.

// Install by replacing the standard Diagram.toolManager.linkReshapingTool:
// $(go.Diagram,
//     { . . .
//       linkReshapingTool: new ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool(),
//       . . . })

* @constructor
* @extends LinkReshapingTool
* @class
function ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool() {;
go.Diagram.inherit(ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool, go.LinkReshapingTool);

* In addition to the regular "LinkReshaping" Adornment holding two reshape handles for Bezier curved Links,
* add another Adornment holding two dashed-line Shapes.
* Add this Adornment before adding the regular one so that the dashed lines are behind the reshaping handles.
* @override
* @this {ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool}
* @param {Shape} pathshape
* @return {Adornment}
ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool.prototype.makeAdornment = function(pathshape) {
  var link = pathshape.part;
  if (link !== null && link.curve === go.Link.Bezier && link.pointsCount === 4) {
    var connad = new go.Adornment();

    var conn0 = new go.Shape();
    conn0.stroke = "dodgerblue";
    conn0.strokeDashArray = [3, 3];

    var conn1 = new go.Shape();
    conn1.stroke = "dodgerblue";
    conn1.strokeDashArray = [3, 3];

    link.addAdornment("HandleConnections", connad);
  return, pathshape);

* Update the Shape.geometry for both of the additional Adornment Shapes,
* so that the first control handle connects with the first point of the route,
* and so that the second control handle connects with the last point of the route.
* @override
* @this {ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool}
* @param {Part} part
ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool.prototype.updateAdornments = function(part) {, part);
  if (part.isSelected && part instanceof go.Link) {
    var link = part;
    if (link !== null && link.curve === go.Link.Bezier && link.pointsCount === 4) {
      var ad = link.findAdornment("HandleConnections");
      if (ad !== null) {
        this.updateGeometries(link, ad.elt(0), ad.elt(1));
  } else {

* @this {ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool}
* @param {Link} link
* @param {Shape} conn0
* @param {Shape} conn1
ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool.prototype.updateGeometries = function(link, conn0, conn1) {
  var start = link.getPoint(0);
  var c0 = link.getPoint(1);
  var c1 = link.getPoint(2);
  var end = link.getPoint(3);

  var ax = Math.min(start.x, Math.min(c0.x, Math.min(c1.x, end.x)));
  var ay = Math.min(start.y, Math.min(c0.y, Math.min(c1.y, end.y)));

  var geo0 = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line);
  geo0.startX = start.x - ax;
  geo0.startY = start.y - ay;
  geo0.endX = c0.x - ax;
  geo0.endY = c0.y - ay;
  conn0.geometry = geo0;

  var geo1 = new go.Geometry(go.Geometry.Line);
  geo1.startX = c1.x - ax;
  geo1.startY = c1.y - ay;
  geo1.endX = end.x - ax;
  geo1.endY = end.y - ay;
  conn1.geometry = geo1;

  var ad = conn0.part;
  ad.position = new go.Point(ax, ay);

* @override
* @this {ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool}
ConnectedHandlesLinkReshapingTool.prototype.doCancel = function() {
  var link = this.adornedLink;;
  link.invalidateAdornments();  // delay update until after tool is finished

Yes, that does it. Thanks!