How to make `selectionAdornmentTemplate` above `GeometryReshapingTool`

I use FreehandDrawing from your examples Freehand Drawing Tool
I want to make selectionAdornmentTemplate above GeometryReshapingTool, The main idea is when a user clicks on shape he will see toolbar (red rectangle) above shape and above blue shapes provided by GeometryReshapingTool.

demo is here Plunker - GoJs FreehandDrawingTool

How to make it?

Does this demonstrate what you want? Selection Adornment Buttons

I used example from this demo too.

The problem is template of GeometryReshapingTool is above selectionAdornment template. I want to make it reverse.

How it now

How I want to see

Any GraphObject that is in the visual tree of a Node will be in the same Layer as the Node. Adornments are separate Parts that can be in their own Layers.

So you can either put all of the node’s Adornments in a separate Layer that is behind the Node’s Layer, or you could re-order the Layers so that the “Adornment” Layer is behind the default Layer.

How to reorder layers?
I tried to change position of tool here this.diagram.toolManager.mouseDownTools.insertAt(0, new GeometryReshapingTool()); This set GeometryReshapingTool before ActionTool but it didn’t help me.

Diagram | GoJS API or addLayerAfter

The order of Tools in the ToolManager.mouseDownTools list affects the eligibility of tools to run and the order of Adornments in the “Adornment” Layer. It’s better to use a different Layer to make sure you get the z-ordering that you want.

I figured out how Layers work and then solved my issue.
Thanks @walter