How to make the line straight?

here are two question:
i mark on the pic. to make the line straight? to put the line dot in the middle.
i hope you can know what i wrote.

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			  { img1: "img/caseSell.png", statusBGC1:"#1F9150",name1:"5-1-3", img2: "img/caseSell.png", statusBGC2:"#1F9150",name2:"5-1-4"},
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		  { key: "PCSLAST7",  category: "text", name:"所内へ", img: "img/tranceON1.png"}, 
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	  { from: "PCSIMAGE1", to: "CASE1" },
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	  { from: "LBS2", to: "PCS2" },
	  { from: "PCS2", to: "PCSIMAGE2" },
	  { from: "PCSIMAGE2", to: "CASE2" },
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	  { from: "VCB", to: "LBS3-1" },
	  { from: "VCB", to: "LBS3-2" },
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	  { from: "PCS3B", to: "PCSIMAGE3-2" },
	  { from: "PCSIMAGE3-1", to: "CASE3" },
	  { from: "PCSIMAGE3-2", to: "CASE4" },
	  { from: "VCB", to: "LBS4" },
	  { from: "LBS4", to: "PCS4" },
	  { from: "PCS4", to: "PCSIMAGE4" },
	  { from: "PCSIMAGE4", to: "CASE5" },
	  //{ from: "DS1", to: "PCS5T" },
	  { from: "VCB", to: "LBS5-1" },
	  { from: "VCB", to: "LBS5-2" },
	  { from: "LBS5-1", to: "PCS5B" },
	  { from: "LBS5-2", to: "PCS5B" },
	  { from: "PCS5B", to: "PCSIMAGE5-1" },
	  { from: "PCS5B", to: "PCSIMAGE5-2" },
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	  { from: "PCSIMAGE5-2", to: "CASE7" },
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	  { from: "PCSLAST1", to: "PCSLAST2" },
	  { from: "PCSLAST2", to: "PCSLAST3" },
	  { from: "PCSLAST3", to: "PCSLAST4" },
	  { from: "PCSLAST3", to: "PCSLAST5" },
	  { from: "PCSLAST4", to: "PCSLAST6" },
	  { from: "PCSLAST5", to: "PCSLAST7" },
// force all lanes' layouts to be performed

} // end init

In general when you are using LayeredDigraphLayout you cannot ensure that links will be “straight”. That layout does not position nodes relative to each other but instead tries to fit everything into a grid, and some of the node widths and the column spacing might be such that the grid cells do not line up. You’ll need to adjust your node widths (GraphObject.actualBounds of the Nodes) and LayeredDigraphLayout.columnSpacing to work together, which can be difficult to do when you have different width nodes.