How to use GoJS on eclipse?

Hi, I want to make topolocy-diagram using GoJS.
So, I signed up your site and downloaded your GoJS library & JGo for eclipse.

Actually I don’t understand how to set (or install) your libraries (go.js, go-debug.js, many JGo’s jar files).

I tried copy go.js, go-debug.js, goJS.d.ts referenced your document. (your site is “Download GoJS”)
I use CodeIgniter3.0 and made new folder js/goJS. And I input your libraries into js/goJS/
When I builded my project that contains your libraries, but your libraries have many errors.

Why your libraries have many errors?
If I use incorrect libraries, correct libraries are JGo?
If your recommand library is JGo, How can I use this library?
It has only jar files and dll files.

Please response my question.
Thank you.

Hi. I think you are trying to combine two separate products, one that runs entirely in the browser, GoJS for JavaScript and HTML, and one obsolete product, JGo for Java.

Are you building a web app? If so, just concentrate on Delete any JGo jar files.