Images in NodePanel

Hi I am very new to GoXam and wanted to make a query:

I’m trying to work with a panel of nodes as in the example image. Where you can select the node editor and drag to create new relationships.
But what I do is that nodes are my images that I have stored on my server, no art forms. I can not know how to solve it.
Since I am very new to all this GoXam and WPF I could give a simple example of how to do?

Use the Image element in your Node DataTemplate. Search the web for examples of how to use the Image element, which is a standard WPF control. There are also several samples in GoWpfDemo that demonstrate node templates that make use of Image elements, such as the Org Chart (static) and Beat Paths samples.


Use the Image element in your Node DataTemplate. Search the web for examples of how to use the Image element, which is a standard WPF control. There are also several samples in GoWpfDemo that demonstrate node templates that make use of Image elements, such as the Org Chart (static) and Beat Paths samples. [/quote]

Okay thank you very much, but these examples are not panel nodes themselves to drag a node to the editor images. Could you please give me an example to achieve that result?
Able to drag your own image from the panel of nodes to the editor.

Palette inherits from Diagram, so have your Palette’s NodeTemplate include an Image element.


Palette inherits from Diagram, so have your Palette’s NodeTemplate include an Image element.[/quote]

Sorry but i am very new in GoXam, can you give a example ?

I saw an example to fill the sidebar with the nodes to:
As I can do to pass instead of Figure = NodeFigure pass the path of the image? My problem is not how to fill the palette with a self-image

 pmodel = new MyModel();
        pmodel.ValidUnconnectedLinks = ValidUnconnectedLinks.Allowed;
        pmodel.NodesSource = new ObservableCollection<MyData>() {
      new MyData() { Text="Alpha", Color="Pink" },
      new MyData() { Text="Beta", Color="PapayaWhip", Figure=NodeFigure.Diamond },
      new MyData() { Text="Gamma", Color="PeachPuff", Figure=NodeFigure.Database }

        myPalette.Model = pmodel;

I’m sorry, but I do not understand what your problem is. Are you saying that putting an in your node DataTemplate is not the problem? If that isn’t the problem, then what is?

is resolved. had not understood your answer, but there it is, I did as you said. Greetings!