Install location so VisStudio project files can be

We have 3 developers, each has their own license. The default install location is in the user documents folder. We develop using VS 2010 and when I look at the properties of my GoDiagram references they include the directory location on my machine.

When I put my VisStudio project into our version control system and another developer downloads the project … will the folder reference be correct for the other developer’s machine? Or do we need to install the GoDiagram into a standard folder that exists on both developer machines, e.g. C:\GoDiagram?

<span =“Apple-style-span” style="color: rgb34, 34, 34; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; : rgba255, 255, 255, 0.917969; ">For our development, we use C:\godiagram.

We have to install under My Documents to be in line with Microsoft install guidelines.
You should be able to put the files anywhere you want with a copy... we don't put anything in the GAC. You can even have multiple versions installed on the system at one time without problems.

You said you install to “My Documents” but use “C:\godiagrams”. I do not understand.

Did you do a folder copy from the installed location in “My Documents”. Are there any problems with licensing if you connect Visual Studio to the C:\godiagrams as the references source instead of the “My Documents”?

You can specify the folder when you do the install… or you can just move the whole tree (or just the /lib folder with the DLLs) whereever you want.

There won’t be any licensing issues.

Another hint here for people having these issues… google for in the .csproj and .vbproj files. That’s how our sample projects are set up to allow them to be anywhere on a system, but still find the relative path /lib folder.