I am having trouble installing a trial GoWin 4104 on virtual XP mode on Windows 7 x64 box.
The installation fails at the very end with the following message:
“There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as a part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor”.
After I click OK on the error dialog the installer rolls everything back.
The last few lines (before clicking OK on the error message dialog) in the installation log are as follows:
CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: MOVABL~3|MovableLinkApp
CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: TREEAPP|TreeApp
CreateShortcuts: Shortcut: BASICAPP|BasicApp
Action 8:43:44: WriteRegistryValues. Writing system registry values
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v2.0.50727\AssemblyFoldersEx\Northwoods Software GoDiagram Win, Name: , Value: C:\Documents and Settings\XPMUser\My Documents\GoDiagram Win 4.1.0 for .NET 4.0\lib2.0
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\AssemblyFoldersEx\Northwoods Software GoDiagram Win 4.1.0, Name: , Value: C:\Documents and Settings\XPMUser\My Documents\GoDiagram Win 4.1.0 for .NET 4.0\lib
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\GoDiagram, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, Name: , Value: Northwoods GoDiagram
WriteRegistryValues: Key: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ToolboxControlsInstaller\GoDiagram, Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, Name: CodeBase, Value: C:\Documents and Settings\XPMUser\My Documents\GoDiagram Win 4.1.0 for .NET 4.0\lib\Northwoods.Go.dll
Action 8:43:44: _1B6E38D6_E979_4E0D_A1BB_BD41796FCDA8.
Action 8:43:44: _CFD4E6E5_9F11_43A9_BAE3_8A726CDF2507.
DEBUG: Error 2835: The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog ErrorDialog
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2835. The arguments are: ErrorIcon, ErrorDialog,
(end of the installation log)
A help with the issue is greately appreciated.
Thanks and regards,