Is there a way to close the padding between the header and the placeholder in the group?

I need to make expanded groups to be rounded rectangle and was able create custom header with custom collapse button. However not able to ride of space between group panel header shape.


Here is my group template:

return $(
    layout: $(go.TreeLayout, {
      angle: 0,
      comparer: go.LayoutVertex.smartComparer,
      alignment: go.TreeLayout.AlignmentCenterChildren, //AlignmentCenterSubtrees,
      nodeSpacing: 5,
      nodeIndent: 0,
      nodeIndentPastParent: 0,
      layerSpacing: 10,
      layerSpacingParentOverlap: 0,
      sorting: go.TreeLayout.SortingForwards,
      rowSpacing: 10,
      rowIndent: 0,
      setsPortSpot: true,
      setsChildPortSpot: true,
      treeStyle: go.TreeLayout.StyleLayered
    padding: new go.Margin(10, 10, 40, 10),
    selectionAdorned: false,
    selectable: true,
    movable: false,
    mouseHover: (e: go.InputEvent, thisObj: go.GraphObject) => {
      this.interactionService.onNodeHover(e, thisObj);
    mouseLeave: (e: go.InputEvent, thisObj: go.GraphObject, nextObj: go.GraphObject) => {
      this.interactionService.onNodeMouseLeave(e, thisObj, nextObj);
    selectionChanged: (thisPart: go.Part) => {
      this.interactionService.onSelectionChanged(thisPart as go.Node);
    subGraphExpandedChanged: (group: go.Group) => {
    mouseDrop: (e: go.InputEvent, thisObj: go.GraphObject) => {
      if (thisObj instanceof go.Group && thisObj.key !== e.diagram.selection.first().key) {
    mouseDragEnter: (e: go.InputEvent, thisObj: go.GraphObject, _prevObj: go.GraphObject) => {
      if (thisObj instanceof go.Group && thisObj.key !== e.diagram.selection.first().key) {
        // gets the width of the group placeholder to add the drop adornment
        const placeholder = thisObj.findObject('GROUP_PLACEHOLDER') as go.Placeholder;
        const dropAdornment = this.makeDropAdornment(placeholder.actualBounds.width + 40);
        dropAdornment.adornedObject = thisObj;
        thisObj.addAdornment('dropAdornment', dropAdornment);
    mouseDragLeave: (e: go.InputEvent, thisObj: go.GraphObject, _nextObj: go.GraphObject) => {
      // remove th drop adornment when the dragged node leaves the drop node
      if (thisObj instanceof go.Group && thisObj.key !== e.diagram.selection.first().key) {
  new go.Binding('isSubgraphExpanded').makeTwoWay(),
      fill: 'transparent',
      stroke: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--bg-primary'),
      strokeWidth: 2,
      isPanelMain: true,
      parameter1: 8
    new go.Binding('stroke', 'active', (active) => {
      return active
        ? getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--focus-border')
        : getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--bg-primary');
    go.Panel, // header panel
        margin: 0,
        stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal,
        background: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--bg-primary')
      new go.Binding('background', 'active', (active) => {
        return active
          ? getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--highlight-bg')
          : getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--bg-primary');
          name: 'OPERATOR_LABEL',
          overflow: go.TextBlock.OverflowEllipsis,
          alignment: new go.Spot(0, 0.15),
          margin: new go.Margin(0, 1, 5, 5),
          maxLines: 1,
          editable: true,
          isMultiline: false,
          stroke: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--text-primary'),
          textValidation: (textBlock: go.TextBlock, oldString: string, newString: string) => {
            return this.interactionService.validateStepName(oldString, newString);
        new go.Binding('text', 'label').makeTwoWay(),
        new go.Binding('font', 'active', (active) => (active ? 'bold 14px Lato-Regular' : '14px Lato-Regular'))
          alignment: new go.Spot(1, 0.2),
          'ButtonBorder.figure': 'Circle',
          'ButtonBorder.fill': 'transparent',
          'ButtonBorder.stroke': 'transparent',
          _buttonFillOver: 'transparent',
          _buttonStrokeOver: 'transparent',
          _buttonFillPressed: 'transparent',
          _buttonStrokePressed: 'transparent'
        $(go.Shape, 'Circle', {
          width: 20,
          height: 20,
          strokeWidth: 0,
          fill: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--btn-cont-bg-default'),
          stroke: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--btn-cont-bg-default')
        $(go.TextBlock, {
          name: 'ButtonIcon',
          alignment: new go.Spot(0.5, 1),
          font: '10pt png-icon-sm',
          textAlign: 'center',
          stroke: getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--text-btn-cont-primary'),
          text: getImageUnicode('png-menu-collapse')
    $(go.Placeholder, {
      name: 'GROUP_PLACEHOLDER',
      padding: 10

On the Shape that is the border in the “Auto” Panel that is the whole Node, set Shape.spot1 to go.Spot.TopLeft and spot2 to go.Spot.BottomRight.

Or perhaps to other Spot values that produce the results that you want.

Normally, for a “RoundedRectangle” figure, the spot1 and spot2 values default to just inside the curve of the corners, so that the geometry of the Shape border does not overlap the contents of the “Auto” Panel.

Thanks Walter. Actually this worked better and places the shape right next to the content boarder:
spot1: new go.Spot(0, 0, 1, 1),
spot2: new go.Spot(1, 1, -1, -1)